It's aliiiive! Also, a 2011 TV meme.

Dec 22, 2011 02:55

First things first, an excuse: I've lost the hard drive in my main computer, along with all my favorite movies, photos, graphics, music and past school projects (so, goodbye the large part of my portfolio). I wasn't even that angry or sad, just resigned. Maybe it's just my thing, you know, destroy every electronic device I touch. That's what I guess happens when you download shitload of thing from the sketchy sources. Thank GOD I have all my current files on my laptop or there would be blood. Making back-ups as we speak.

So you see, I have sort-of reason for not being around much. I lurk always, but every post or meta I started, I lost with the rest of the disk. You can now imagine all the wonders there were! Reviews, vids, graphics and half written huge meta on Supernatural S6. I'm not sure I won't start it again, just because I see so much hatred for this season everywhere and I'd like to make a counterpoint. The only difficulty is that I basically suck at writing anything on computer, let alone in English.

In other news, our "so-undergroud-that-nobody-ever-heard-of-us" band broke up. Yeah - that was quick. Since we haven't got any fans, our concerts had been an attendance failure and the guys really hadn't written a new song for us since last year, that was to be expected. Still, I will miss it. To fill the void (ha!), I joined a folk band. Pretty friggin' far from my usual interests and I don't think I will stay there long enough, but at least I get to sing. I don't mind the colourful outfits, the archaic songs and the whole fokly shabang, but the boys are seriously annoying. And there's an air that screams "fake!" Fake smiles all around and people pretending to care about tradition. I don't know, I generally don't like folk music for a reason.

In-between rehearsals, school and my lonely existence, I watched tv shows. I don't have TV at home so I simply download or stream everything. Hope somebody from my family will clue in and get me BtVS DVD set for Christmas.

Which TV shows did you start watching in 2011?

I might have lost track with the series I started this year as opposed to last? Anyway, I'm pretty sure it should go like this: Supernatural, Sherlock, Misfits, Secret Diary of a Call Girl, Game of Thrones, Ringer, Pretty Little Liars, Mad Men, Once Upon a Time, Big Bang Theory, The Office UK. I'm not counting the ones I watched a one episode of and never bothered to continue (for varying reasons)

Which TV shows did you let go of in 2011?

The Vampire Diaries - I don't say I would never see an episode of it, just kinda lost the interest after the first two or three eps of S2. The love story drama doesn't appeal to me like it used to, I don't love any of the characters, the twists were too many and too quick for me to savour the story completely. Oh, and I hate Damon. I'm sorry, but it's true. If it's not the type I don't like (hello, Spike?), it must be the actor who annoys me greatly. Since the narrative is set to make him the biggest woobie ever and a credible love lead, after all the killings he'd done, I realize maybe it's not a series for me. No hard feelings. Am I missing out?
Dexter - the hard feelings are there, oh yes. S5 had its flaws, but it was enjoyable enough. This one is just boring stupid. Free OOC behaviour for everyone! To think I loved the show so much... The only tolerable storyline was Brother Sam and they killed him halfway through. What a waste.
Mad Men - I tried to like it, but I couldn't get into it. I appreciate the the complicated and compelling character drama, pedantic setting, but I found myself ff-ing through Don's scenes. And it was a little too much talk. Maybe someday.
Ringer - oh boy. That was first bad, then bad in a fun way and then bad again. The oh-so-trendy music! The pretentious storylines! The wooden acting! Yeah, badness all around.
Misfits - I have no idea if the series will continue after S3, but I wish it have ended after S2. Even then, the second season was considerably weaker than the brilliant S1.I feel the biggest disservice was done to Simon who was a wonderful creeepyyy creep in S1 and later suddenly made a hero? I didn't buy it. Then Nathan leaving (I hated him at first, grew to love him). I will miss S1-level show, not the one that's just ended.

Which TV shows did you mean to get into but didn't in 2011? Why?

Breaking Bad is still on my list. So is Downton Abbey. As to why... you probably need a certain mood.

Which TV shows do you intend on checking out in 2012?

Two I mentioned above, definitely. Revenge also seems like a show I could enjoy - so does Homeland. I'm also thinking about trying a fun procedural for one, Bones or Criminal Minds. Any suggestions?

Which TV show impressed you least in 2011?

Dexter was a huge disappointment this year. So was Ringer - I didn't expect it to be particularly good (being basically a rip-off of the telenovela I liked as a child, La Usurpadora or something), but surely it coudn't be THAT bad? So yeah.

Which TV show do you think you might let go of in 2012 unless things significantly improve?

True Blood is very cracky, but I guess my patience for this kind of ridiculousness is wearing thin. Dexter is pretty much done at this point, but I'm not saying never. Once Upon a Time has a nice, Princess Tutu-ish premise, but Tutu (or Utena) it isn't and it didn't captivate me yet. Also, America's Next Top Model and my country's counterpart. Especially the latter - the production values were pretty impressive for Polish TV, but the elimination order was completely fucked up and now that Anja Rubik is leaving, I'm not sure I will come back. (yeah, I watch that. Don't judge me)

Which TV show impressed you the most in 2011? Why?

Definitely Supernatural, which I completely fell in love with, faults and all. It still is my biggest obsession at the moment. Game of Thrones is wonderful all the way around and one cannot sing enough praise for it (I'm kinda stuck at fourth book, but the first three are brilliant so I have at least two great seasons to look forward to). Sherlock is the show I actually read the most fanfic of and I can't wait for series 2. And, surprisingly, Pretty Little Liars which started as a guilty pressure (still is for the most part) and turned out to be unexpectedly good.

Which TV shows do you think you'll never let go of no matter how crappy they get? Why?

Supernatural. I'm one of these rare people who actually love the direction the show is going (despite my adoration for Bobby and Cas and some truly atrocious individual episodes) and I would defend S6 to death - if I could get myself to respond to every negative comment I read, that is.  So I'm definitely sticking with it. The rest? I'm not sure. Game of Thrones seems pretty safe.

Shows I watched and loved that aren't mentioned on this list because I started them in another year

Last year I got into all the Whedon shows (except Dollhouse). They filled the void I was feeling after I pretty much gave up on anime. The series I love I will love always, but right now I don't feel any inclination to start any new ones. So yeah, Buffy turned me into a TV whore.

supernatural, meme, rl, my fabulous band

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