Aug 29, 2008 09:25
I called out this possibility months ago.
John McCain's VP pick, Alaka's governer Sarah Palin, is a calculated gamble, a direct attack upon the Democratic Party. His choice both underlines the "maverick" image he desperately needs to convey right now, and continues the GOP's strategy of winning the election by destroying its opponent's party unification.
It is the only way McCain can win - by stealing the fiscally conservative Clinton democrats and feminists and Independents away from the Democratic Party.
And Alaska? Was there ever a doubt this was about anything else but oil drilling?
The choice also puts the Democrats in the uncomfortable position of having Joe Biden, a rough-and-tumble blue collar hothead, try to convince Americans that a woman (well, this one) is not ready for the vice-presidency. Just see him try to use his "one-liners" without being accused by the media of misogyny.
The Republicans are Aikido masters, using their opponents' greatest strengths against them. I think John McCain probably just won the presidency.