The Prayer Warriors: TEG (Chapter 12)

Jul 29, 2012 20:52

Bluesunnyday: Alrighty folks, let's get this done.

Chapter 12: Chapter 12

The Harry Potter fans will realise the true evilness that is there satanic book, and will convert to the way of Christ! You are all fools for saying such disgusting thigs! I hope you all bum ink hell!

Bluesunnyday (As a hobo): Hey ink hell, can you spare a dime?

And so Percy of Christ taught Rachael's household a holey lesson. And behold he said, "Dare not mock God, for his is holus. I was like a evil beast, having sex with a whore,

Bluesunnyday: I'm just going to repeat this, what Percy Jackson books have you been reading, and where can I buy them?

but I have changed, and I a have become like St Paul, a true massager of Christ.

Bluesunnyday: I didn't know Christ liked massages. Then again, who doesn't?

"I will also talk to Rachael's father, for he has sinned against the ways of God. Although he has been baptized in the ways of Christ, he can never enter his holy Church, for her father has removed his testacies,

Bluesunnyday: JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! *crosses legs while wincing repeatedly*

and that is a sin.

Bluesunnyday: IT'S ALSO EXTREMELY PAINFUL! *crosses legs again*

God commands that anyone with a testacies should pray at home,

Bluesunnyday: What? I'm sorry, just... What?

everyone else must go to his holy church at least once a week on Sunday and pray for their soles! This also means that they must pray whenever they can. This can be at home, at school,

Bluesunnyday: Pretty sure that's illegal, just sayin'.

at work,

Bluesunnyday: That too.

and out and about. They must pray! If at home someone refuse to let you pray, make then leave your house!

Bluesunnyday: What, so if your mom doesn't want you to pray, you should kick her out of the house?

If someone at school refuses you to pray, make them leave, may it be student or the teacher, they should not refuse someones right to pray.

Bluesunnyday: Let me repeat: THAT'S FUCKING ILLEGAL!

If someone refuses to let you pray at work, either quit your job, or if you are the boss, fire the person that complains to you about praying.

Bluesunnyday: That would result in lawsuits up the wazoo.

Even if they refuses to pray, they must be fired, for it is a sin against Christ! And if a police refuses to let you pray, continues to pray.

Bluesunnyday: Why would policemen not want you to pray? Unless it's the aforementioned praying in schools...

Even if you are sent to prison, God will be proud at your bravery and courage, for that is what God rewards people with. Obey Gods law, not mans law, for mans law is corrupt and evil, created be Satan!

Bluesunnyday: ...No comment.

"And now I must go my friend Tyson, for he must be converted also." And so I went to him and explains the ways of Christ, "Why worship a false god which will not give you eternal live, when you can worship a true God, who has a eternal son who died on the cross to save us all? My God can save you. Please convert, or you will suffer in the eternal flames of hell!"


And Tyson said, "I will not convert for I love to sin too much." I was so annoyed that I took a stone and stoned him to death, for he would not submit to the way of our lord Jesus Christ, one true God.

And I said, "The fool is dead. God will not allow a nonbelieber to live.

Bluesunnyday: Man, God must REALLY LOVE Justin Bieber!

A fool will die a fools death! I will then move onto the camp and warm everyone else of the evilness of Satan, or they will suffer!"

I will not delete this story. You should or convert to the ways of Christ, or you will suffer the eternal flams of hell!

Bluesunnyday: What the hell is a "flam"?

Bluesunnyday: And that's chapter 12 folks. Guh, this is a major pain. I hope you appreciate what I do to entertain you guys.
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