Jan 30, 2005 01:24
Well tonight was the big show...and if y'all wanted to know it went on with out a hitch, and boy am I glad. I was so worried about my lines but I remembered mostly all of them :)
Actually the person who screwed up the most was Michelle...coincidence no karma YES! I had so many people compliment me it was crazy. Mrs. D. said the nicest thing ever to me too long to type though(and if you must know just ask I'll tell) but let's just say it boosted my confidence up a wee tiny bit lol. My parents were "shocked at how much talent I had" yet I still had to ask them if they were proud..they once again didn't say it but oh well that's fine. Some lady actually asked me if that was my real accent lol...yes I am from Texas. I got sick though after the show so I couldn't go be with the cast which kinda sucked but I'm sure I didn't miss anything important. To those of you who did go to the show...thankyou soo much I really appreciate it and to those who didn't..you missed one hell of a show...and you missed the first time I ever had my hair in french braids (that China did perfectly thanks again btw), China's great makeup that I did, and me dressed up like a cowgirl! Yep you definitely missed out. L8r all