May 18, 2009 17:05
Ah, good ole lg.
It's been....too long.
This was once the best place for me to come and vent and not feel like a million people were going to judge.
I missed you!!!!
I'm still alive...I guess that's what you could say.
Hi, I'm bug.
I'm 22 now and i still live in this shit hole TH.
I'm getting ready to move out of my apt that i've been in for a year alllllll by myself. (I'm going to miss the hell out of that place)
I'm moving in with my bf Glenn for a couple of months and then we are getting a house.
I have two jobs that I hate.
I don't really talk to anyone anymore (and I mean no one) I guess you could say I pretty much have no friends.
I'm not really looking for any.
I've pretty much pushed everyone away and still think about offing myself on the regular.
Some day......(insert dream sequence and que somewhere over the rainbow)
I miss the fuck out of Kelley .
I hope she is doing beautifully in life.
I know she is...she's too amazing to be unhappy.
Now that I'm depressed, i'm going to go buy shoes for this fucking wedding.
i'll be on here more though.
Not that anyone will see this. lol