Jul 08, 2005 22:20
So here it is friday night....My landlord hasn't been around at all since I got back from the long weekend. It's kinda lonely, her dog isn't even here. But I am enjoying the time to myself, as it means I can do everything topless to make my peircings heal faster and better.
This weekend is prooving to be the weekend from hell. Today I had my political science final, and I spent almost my whole day trying to figure out the answers to the 350 review questions that the teacher posted. This was one of those classes where it is pointless to go to lecture, as your notes are crap, and the teacher is just testing you on a bunch of pointless little facts, that you shouldn't even have to know for an introductory course. But whatever...the three hour exam only tool 1.5 hours, and now I am one exam closer to having them all be done.
Tomorrow I get to study for and write what will no doubt be the worst exam of my life...well, second worst as the first was the midterm for this class. This horrible exam is for my first of two tax classes....*boo-urns* I hate taxes...in more ways than I can count right now... At least I get the day to prepare, as the exam doesn't start until 7pm.
Sunday is yet another exam, but less time to study as it begins at 2pm. This one is for financial accounting III From what I have heard, the next level up (which I will be taking in the fall) is even worse than this one....and yet each time I think it can't possibly get any worse. I am sadly mistaken.
Then monday comes the easiest of all my exams. Cost & Manigerial Accounting II. I wouldn't have thought that this would be as easy as it is....but man, thank goodness for this course. This is the one bird course that I got this semester...hurray for something keeping my average above the kicked out zone!
So that is my whole weekend....four days, four exams. At least they are all on different days. And after this weekend is done. I will get 6 weeks off to do what I please! Oh it's gonna be great. I already have soo many things planned....I hope I don't go crazy trying to fit everything in O_o
On another note, I went cherry picking with Sue yesterday which was great fun. I brought back a shit load of cherries (all for only $20) and gave them out at my aunts baby shower last night. Everyone gourged themselves on cherries, and I packed some up as loot bags for people to take with them *lol* It was fun hanging out with them all again. I must be one of the few people I know who actually likes their extended family.
Anyway, it is time for me to relax with a movie again, maybe add a bit to the first meal that I have had today. A chicken breast just doesn't satisfy on its own. I think tomorrow, I should definately feed myslef at least once before I write that exam...otherwise I will do even worse than the midterm for that course (the first exam I have failed....EVER). And by the feel of the weather, it should actually be cool enough for me to get hungry tomorrow ;) It's always the worst when it's soo hot, and all you have to eat is frozen food that needs to be cooked :(