Jun 15, 2005 21:13
Sometimes people just boggle my mind.
This past weekend I was at a wedding where I got to mingle with my old highschool friends again. One of them was a really good friend of an old boyfriend of mine. So the subjet was brought up that he hasn't seen or heard from this old boyfriend of mine in a long time....ever since he started seeing this new girl.
So with that in mind, I happend to see this old boyfriend online, and so I messaged him telling him what transpired...all the while keeping things lite, as I also have not spoken with him in a very long while.
Well, it turned out that it wasn't actually him on the other end of the keyboard, but this possesive, jealous new girlfriend that I just found out about. So, since I have nothing against this new person that I know nothing of, I decided to still chat for a bit...but quickly I ran out of things to say as she was not facilitating the conversation at all. She only typed a couple things to me "Who are you?", "How long has it been since you have spoken to Shane?" And when I was ending what little conversation was going on, I tried to be pleasant and say that it has been nice chatting with her. The response I got: "I guess it has been for you" Not once in the conversation was I rude to her or Shane. When I typed Bye Kiki and Shane, I got no response at all. And, I am pretty sure she is deleting me from his MSN as we speak.
It's not like I was trying to steal Shane back from her....as I have a boyfriend of my own, and I do not feel like retrying old relationships that failed for a reason. When Shane and I ended things, we still remained friends...or at least acquaintences. We even went out for dinner once about 2 years ago *lol*
So...that is my little rant about the angstyness that some people can exhude. It would have been fine if she said that she didn't really feel like chatting with me, or perhaps maybe let me chat with the person I was actually trying to chat with. But she couldn't get over herself in order to do that I guess. Oh well....doesn't really affect me...as I wasn't trying to make new friends...I was just a little bored. So at least she filled the boredom *lol*