Yesterday I got my stuff from
Think Geek. Namely, a
Game Over shirt and some
Penguin Mints. This would normally be good news, right? Well, there was a little twist. The package was so beat up by the time it got to my door that my dad had to straighten it up in order to read the label. It really was a big "fuck you" on my doorstep.
I finished watching the 38th episode of Naruto today. It is an excellent anime. It isn't ground breaking or anything, just excellent. There isn't any real journey into the heart of the human condition. It doesn't have some kind of new technology or technique when it comes to the animation style.
Today we learned about Plato and his philosopy on life. He believes that there are many things that we see and experience in the course of normal perception. On another plane of existence accessable by the mind there is one thing that is the ideal form of all those many things. For example: there are many cups in the world, but there is an ideal cup that exists only on a plane percievable by the mind. When I refer to a cup you think of the ideal form of a cup, whatever that may be.
Now I know that this is a stretch, but I can think of Naruto in these terms. I think that if there really is some ideal action-fighting anime, Naruto is as close as I have seen any of the many action-fighting animes get. The voice acting is good, the art is good, but the story itself is excellently written and that is the best bart of any anime. That is why Naruto is excellent.
Oh...fuck you, livejournal. I just tried to update and it fucking failed. It's a damn good thing that I remembered to copy my post before updating