The OWL Awards are Here

Feb 07, 2009 16:50

The OWL Awards are up and running, now through March 6. Please take a look here to browse the nominees (click on a category to see the nominees in each one) and vote for your favorites, when you have the time.

While you're there, leave some reviews, too, why don't you? You could win a prize for doing it, and in any case, although not everybody can win an OWL award (so much great stuff--we'll be in agony deciding between these), all of these nominees deserve to feel some appreciation for the stories they've shared with us. I'm delighted to recognize the names of so many friends and the titles of so many favorite stories among the nominees, and I congratulate all of you for jobs well done. Cheers! :D

I was shocked and pleased to discover that I'm up for a few awards myself: The French Connection is up in the A/U and Romance categories, Constant Companion is also up in the Romance category, Come Undone is nominated in the Best Snog and Hogwarts: A History (Pre-Book 1 fic) categories, Love with Unconfinèd Wings is up for Best Tearjerker, The Power of Your Intense Fragility is in the Deathly Hallows (Book 7 fic) category, Détente is up in the Snarry category and The Lady in Red, or: How Severus Snape Finally Got Lucky is up in the Drabble/Snapshot category.

I don't even know what to say about that, except to offer heartfelt thanks to anybody and everybody who took the time to nominate my stories. This was an unexpected and lovely surprise, and I'm grateful for your support. Thanks, too, to the lovely people at OWL who give us a place to post and read stories and who go to the trouble of organizing the awards.

Once again, congratulations to all my fellow nominees. I'm in some excellent company.

(Oh yeah--and don't forget to review and vote, either!)

thanks, awards

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