This update brought to you by the power of coffee

Nov 14, 2008 15:15

I am tired. And busy. And tired because I'm busy. And the weather is not cooperating in trying to lift my mood, because it's been unrelentingly grey and windy and rainy for days. That's actually quite common for Michigan at this time of year, but not really what I want or need at the moment.

Aunt Mary passed away yesterday evening; I got the call while I was in the middle of my interminable Thursday night seminar. It wasn't a shock, but more a confirmation of something I'd already more or less accepted. I'm sad, of course, but I'm feeling a sense of peace and closure as well. I'll be at the wake tonight and the funeral tomorrow, and I just hope the weather doesn't turn nasty, because that involves a lot of driving. The last thing we need is icy roads.

Anyway, in the midst of all my busyness, I'm making a few overdue pimps/reminders. The first is that I'm reccing for crack_broom this month for the Eileen Prince/Tobias Snape pairing, so if you're intrigued by this obscure pairing and looking for some good stories/art, check here. I've already made two recs, and I will be making more throughout the month. My goal is to explore those stories that go beyond the stereotypes and cliches to explore Eileen and Tobias as real, complicated people.

The second pimp/reminder is for the SS/HG Awards, which are accepting nominations here through November 21. I know a lot of us have been busy and perhaps haven't been able to muster nominations yet, but I just want to remind everybody that there's only one more week for you to make your nominations. Because this is the Post-DH round, this is a great opportunity to recognize newer authors to the ship, as well as your favorite fix-it fics, the ones that take the wreck of Deathly Hallows and make it make sense, both for the fandom and the ship. If you're looking for links or some reminders of wonderful post-DH stories, I suggest you check out the Post-DH guides assembled by harmony_bites. They're a fantastic resource, and she already has individual lists for drabble series, novellas, novel-length stories, WIPs and other classifications.

Finally, a reminder that even in gloomy times, human beings can be amusing:

I went shopping with my mother this morning, so she could find something to wear for the funeral. Afterward, while we were having coffee and leafing through the newspaper, she pointed out an ad circular with a Christmas ornament that she wanted to give my brother. (Context: we have a tradition in my family of exchanging ornaments every year, based around hobbies and interests. I have a LOT of cooking and book ornaments.) My mother is always concerned about the fact that my brother does not consider her "cool," so she takes a special interest in trying to prove her coolness by finding "cool" presents.

MOM: Your brother is going to love this! It's an electric guitar, see, and he loves playing his guitar! ~beams in pride at having found the perfect "cool" gift~

ME: ~looks~ It's purple.

MOM: What? I thought it was blue. That's dark blue, isn't it?

ME: ~peers at ad~ ...And it says Hannah Montana. Mom, you need new glasses.

MOM: What?!? You're making that up. It does no-- ~peers at ad~ Oh, CRAP. I can't give him that!

I almost wish she had given it to my brother, because the look on his face upon opening it would have been priceless. :D

real life, awards, eileen/tobias, pimping, recs

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