Birthday Drabble: Homecoming

Sep 14, 2007 19:49

Happy birthday, sydpad! I don't know if you'll get this timely, since I know your internet access is limited just lately, but to honor the occasion, I have written you a birthday drabble, featuring Snape and a certain character who shall remain nameless. Let's just say that you keep hoping to see these two crazy kids getting together, hmm? :D

Of course, everybody else is free to read and enjoy as well, but I just had to offer Syd a small compensation for all the great things she offers to the fandom: wit, insight, sanity, lovely art, and mad Mod skillz on Tea at Spinner's End. Happy birthday, and I hope you enjoy your little present!

Title: Homecoming
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Notes: Written as a birthday drabble for Sydpad, who wants to set Severus up with a certain witch in the worst way. Besides, there isn’t nearly enough of this pairing out there!


It seemed an eternity had passed since Severus had last seen her face.

In the darkest times, on desperate, lonely nights, he’d despaired of ever seeing it again. Yet now she stood before him: radiant, restored-had she ever looked so lovely in life? Her smile was more welcoming than he’d ever dared dream.

She didn’t blame him for her death.

He was not worthy of such grace.

Choked with guilt, he fell to his knees. “I tried to save you--”

“I know.” Gentle hands soothed his anguish. Her golden ring was cool against his cheek.

“Welcome home, Severus,” Emmeline whispered.

The pairing, in case it wasn't clear, is Snape/Emmeline Vance.

This past week has been insanely, unbelievably hectic for me, and I've hardly had enough time to remember to eat, let alone post or write much of anything. Today is the first day I've had to decompress, so I'm catching up on everything I've missed. However, I wasn't completely idled--I've come up with some fabulous stuff for my SS/HG Exchange fic, and I wrote two drabbles.

The first is for snape100, and features Snape, Hermione and a VW bus (inspired by this image). Check it out: It's Not the Destination, It's the Journey.

The second drabble is for psohdrabble, and was written for the prompt 'Ceremony'. It is possibly the fluffiest thing I have ever written, although I hope it steers well clear of schmoop. It was actually a bit cathartic to write something unapologetically happy after the week I've had! It features Leon and D many years from now, and you can check that one out too, if you're so inclined: Worth the Trouble.

And now I am off to try and (finally) finish off my snape_after_dh story...

psoh, snape/vance, harry potter, hp fic, drabbles, snape

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