FICLET: Only Human (PSoH, D/Leon, R/NC-17)

Sep 01, 2007 12:11

A warning: those of you with delicate sensibilities might want to avert your eyes now.


As many of you may know, today marks the Bring Back the Porn challenge, over on IJ. The challenge inspired me to compose my own little bit of smut, perhaps just to prove to myself that I could. It's a ficlet for Pet Shop of Horrors, and a companion piece to a drabble that I wrote for psohdrabble earlier this week, called To Soothe the Savage Beast. It's also dedicated to lithiumdelusion, who was both thoughtful and awesome enough to write me a ficlet featuring not only D, Leon and Jill, but Severus Snape as well. This is for you, dear, and I hope it helps you feel just a little bit less sick.

Some warnings: contains slash, or as slashy as D/Leon can be. Mind the rating, too. It's not very graphic, but if this isn't your thing, then just give this one a miss.

For those who are interested, however, feel free to click:

Title: Only Human
Author: bluestocking79
Rating: R/NC-17
Word Count: 153
Pairing: D/Leon
Notes: A sequel ficlet to To Soothe the Savage Beast, and inspired by the Bring Back the Porn Challenge.
Warnings: Slash, obviously. Massive, huge spoiler for information revealed in Vol.10 of the manga.
Disclaimer: Leon and Count D aren’t mine, unfortunately. They belong to Matsuri Akino; I’m just borrowing them so they can enjoy the happy ending they deserve.

Only Human

There was no denying it: D wasn’t human.

Leon tried not to think about it, but there were times when it smacked him in the face. D could be so cold-so alien-that it was impossible to pretend otherwise.

Yet it was so easy to forget, when D was panting and needy beneath him, hot and slick around him, gasping devotions reserved for Leon and nobody else. There was nothing cold about those searing kisses and clinging embraces. There was nothing alien about the look in those mismatched eyes when Leon brought them both over the edge, though Leon’s mind was afraid to put a name to that naked emotion.

Humanity was overrated, Leon decided, nestling D’s head in the crook of his shoulder, reveling in the feel of warm, soft skin and a fluttering heartbeat that echoed the pulse of his own.

In the ways that really mattered, D was as human as anyone.

count d, psoh, psoh fic, d/leon, fic, challenge, leon

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