I Have the Dumb

Aug 11, 2008 16:31

I'm feeling so numb and fuzzy-brained at the moment.

RL was very demanding this weekend, and overseeing Terminus Envy was demanding as well (though a hell of a lot more fun). The weather was gloomy and cold (it felt like autumn!), the huge dip in temperature aggravated my sinuses, and I had persistent issues with my wireless signal over the entire weekend. It kept cutting in and out, failing to load anything, losing the signal, etc., and was generally so unreliable that I wanted to put my fist through a wall in frustration. Add to that some outrageous insomnia (I've slept barely four hours each night for the past week), and you will understand why I'm feeling depressed and extra, industrial-strength cranky. I've gone to bed each night hoping that this time I'll get some refreshing rest, but I just can't seem to shut off my brain.

Terminus Envy was great, though, and so were all the people who participated. ~squishes~

My mood is also lightened by the fact that I finally got the entire Master List finished for the original Portus Envy fest, which I posted along with the banners made by the fabulous dacian_goddess. Making the list was... um... a bit more daunting than I'd thought it would be (it took hours, and by the end, I was cross-eyed with HTML codes), but I'm happy with the way it came out and I'm awestruck at the volume and variety that people produced for the fest.

However, I am just not able to get anywhere with the writing pieces I'm trying to finish up for the comm (one SS/HG, the other SS/HG/LM). I feel incredibly guilty for lagging, but I can't seem to make it happen. I have ideas, I have plot mapped out, I have all the components mentally in place... but there's just no gas in my tank and I don't seem to have the energy or brainpower to make them come together (in every sense). I'm terribly frustrated, because I know I'm close... I just have cotton for brains at the moment.

I have caught some of the Olympic coverage, though, and wow, it's impressive. I watched the U.S. men's 4 x 100 relay team pull out a tight gold medal victory over the French team last night, and that was very exciting indeed. I thought for sure the French would take it, but then it turned into such a tight race! The Opening Ceremony was dazzling, too. I'm pretty sure that no country is going to top that--not for a very long time. It was more than entertainment. It was magical.

olympics, hpcon_envy, real life, terminus envy, writing

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