Sunday Morning Pimping

Jul 13, 2008 12:27

You know, I really can't believe I was worried that this week was going to be dead. I've been blown away by the response we've had on portus_envy, and for those of you flisters who are coming back home now, I do urge you to check out the comm when you return. There's been an explosion of creativity, and I'm so proud of the way people have stretched their boundaries, formed new connections and generated a tidal wave of good work. It's a great thing to watch.

It's times like this when I really, really love fandom. ~hugs Portus Enviers~

Of course, I'm also dead tired. This mod stuff is hard work! I solemnly vow to never take the awesomeness of mods for granted ever again.

I don't think it would be very seemly of me, as a mod, to pluck out stuff for recs; it's all fantastic, and I urge you to read/enjoy it all. However, I'll take some time to point out those fabulous pieces that have been written for my prompts, and the pieces that I've managed to post so far.

Written for me or my prompts:

*juniperus wrote a beautiful, moving Severus/Minerva piece, When You Care Enough to Send the Very Best (SS/MM), based on my prompt of "an apology."
*machshefa (who is amazing in so many ways) wrote a delicious drabble for my prompt of "SS/HG, playing hard to get" in her drabble series, Transported (SS/HG).
*ferporcel wrote the enchanting Nymph (SS/LL) for me, based on my request for Snuna, and the prompt "blowing bubbles."
*On Insane Journal, angela_snape wrote a grin-inducing drabble for my prompt of "Snarry and a road trip": A Muggle Holiday.

I wrote:

* Strange Alchemy (SS/LM, Mature), for mundungus42, who requested sexy, languid Severus/Lucius.
* The Lady in Red, or: How Severus Snape Finally Got Lucky (SS/HG, PG-13), for dreamy_dragon73, who asked for SS/HG involving a slinky red dress.
* Détente (Severus/Harry, PG-13), for angela_snape, who asked for Snarry, chocolate and suggestiveness, and got something that has Severus, Harry and chocolate, but somehow wound up being more gen/pre-slash after it got all tangled up in Severus and his unresolved issues.

Whether you've partied at Portus or portus_envy, I hope you've all had a brilliant weekend to remember. portus_envy won't be going away, even after Portus is finished, because so many people are still writing to prompts and having fun.

...besides, Terminus is coming up, and not everybody can go to that, either. *g*

snuna, hermione, luna, snucius, minerva, lucius, ss/hg, snape, recs, harry potter, hpcon_envy, hp fic, fic, portus envy, pimping, snarry, ss/mm

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