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Comments 17

whistles innocently mollyssister July 3 2008, 21:25:19 UTC
Monday was my half birthday...


Re: whistles innocently bluestocking79 July 3 2008, 21:35:59 UTC
~amused~ Is that so? Did you happen to have a prompt in mind? ;-)


Re: whistles innocently mollyssister July 4 2008, 00:39:28 UTC
My kids sang happy birthday to me and wrapped up presents. Of course the presents were their toys so it wasnt as thrilling as say a new snips for the garden or some new potterverse thing.

adult!Luna running into Snape at a confrence and seducing him?

HP/HG + SS/anyone turns out their kids are in the same grammer school taudry affair ensues. Do they leave their respective spouses?

HP starts up a dating service so that all wizardkind can be as happy as he and Ginny (puke) He thinks HG and SS would be perfect for eachother. They are less than enthused.

Pansy/Ron who would have thunk it?

Snape gives up the magical world post voldy defeat. He goes to live somewhere muggle and unlikely. Guess who was there first? Both are paranoid that the other has been sent by well meaning friends or the ministry. Hilarity ensues.

Thats all the prompts I can think of. Feel free to hold them till 12/31 my actual birthday or steal them for your own plot bunny hatch.


Re: whistles innocently juniperus July 4 2008, 01:04:18 UTC
Can *I* run into Snape at a conference? Mine would be fine, actually, do you think the man is a closet medievalist? :P



juniperus July 3 2008, 23:52:38 UTC
Thank you! How marvelous!!

Oh Snape, certainly - SS/HG, or me MM would be peaches and cream! *twirls* Lessee...prompt could be birthday! *grin*


bluestocking79 July 4 2008, 02:14:11 UTC
Oh, nice! I can definitely do something with that. ~goes off to drabble~


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