Tagged by Ayerf

Apr 13, 2008 19:08

I'm busy writing, but I've got time for a quick meme.

1. Grab the book closest to you.
2. Open it on page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Copy the next three sentences into your blog.
5. Tag five people.

The book on the top of the pile next to me is Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame:

"These two great roads, crossing the two first mentioned, made the canvas upon which was wrought the knotted and tangled web of the streets of Paris. By careful study of the unintelligible design of this network, one might also distinguish--like two sheaves of wheat stretching, one into the University, the other into the Town--two bunches of great streets leading from the bridges to the gates. Something of this geometric plan still exists."

I tag who_la_hoop, duniazade, eeyore9990, ozratbag2 and machshefa.

Yesterday and today were not so awesome, because the volatile weather has stirred up my allergies on top of the other sickness, but I did get a lot of good writing done. Also, there was a freak hail storm with high winds on Friday, and I got to watch an enormous spruce tree get uprooted and fall over on my neighbor's garage.

I have a feeling it's going to be one of those really volatile Springs.

real life, memes

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