Happiness is...

Jun 03, 2012 16:21

... waking up to a filthy sinus migraine and the reality of a house without coffee... and then having your Knight in Shining Cardigan bring you both a giant, freshly-brewed coffee, and a healthy supply of coffee beans for later, because caffeine is the only thing that really helps. (Thanks, Geography Teacher. &hearts)

...having wonderful and treasured friends who are there for you when you're most in need of comforting and a shoulder to cry on. This goes double for those friends who would even brave Universal Studios theme park in the middle of July, just to make you smile. (Thanks, sc010f, and all of you who offered good thoughts and support this weekend. &hearts)

...blue skies and sunshine and marshmallow fluff clouds and pleasingly warm, benevolent temperatures.

...poking around in the garden and seeing that all your plants are doing well, and the flowers are flourishing, and Vince the Vine has had two extra bonus blossoms that are just opening, and the red lilies are getting ready to pop.

...having a lovely conversation with neighbors, during which they admired my garden and I admired (and made friends with) their sweet new Black Lab puppy.

...the sound of wind chimes, dancing on the breeze.

...being carded for a product that only requires you to be EIGHTEEN to buy it. This is particularly flattering when it occurs in the same week as your birthday. *g*

...receiving a coupon for a free cupcake on said birthday!

...having the great delight of reading a wonderful feature in the Free Press this morning on Patti Smith (who is back in town this weekend to open her photography show) and her personal walk-through of the Detroit Institute of Arts. It makes me wish for a virtual Patti Smith to accompany me on my own visits to the museum! Her unpretentious joy and insight and enthusiasm and wit and thoughtfulness are beautiful, and a welcome breath of fresh air in connection with art.

(There will be a more involved updating later, when brains are more fully functional and less squeezed, but in the meantime: all is well. ~smooches and hugs to all~)

all things that are good, real life

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