In with the new!

Dec 31, 2011 13:40

Hello, all! I really did mean to update here before this, but the end of the semester chewed me up, as it tends to do, and then there were the holidays... and then there's the fact that I've been surprisingly ill twice within the last month, after going for years with not so much as a sniffle. (The gastro virus from hell bedeviled the last days of the semester, and Santa apparently brought me a combo pack of strep, laryngitis and bronchitis, which ended up totally buggering my fun plans with clairvoyant12, gina_r_snape, and doctorpancakes. (SO, so, sorry, guys. We are going to have to make up with it by having future fun times that are even better. &hearts) I'm usually a lousy patient (can't stand being idle, and I'm very easily bored), but I've really realized, over the past few weeks, that I've sort of... forgotten how to be sick. I'm not used to having to take things slow or make allowances for myself, and for somebody who chatters as much as I do, being voiceless has been intensely frustrating.

Overall, this has been a lesson in patience and humility, and hell, I was probably due for one of those. It's good when life takes you down a peg, every now and then.

But all of that is beside the point. I did have a really, really lovely Christmas, despite the illness, and even though it's really disappointing to have all my New Year's Eve plans out the window, I'm determined to enjoy that, too. (A quiet night in with a few friends and DVDs and board games, and enjoying the live stream from the Kasabian NYE Re: Wired gig at the O2. It's not what I expected, but it will be good.) I'll have a massive holiday recap and pic spam up in a few days, along with some gift fics that I owe to sc010f and gina_r_snape, and I will also take the time to profusely thank and celebrate the wondrous Quiz Queens of the SS/HG Quiz for highlighting my stories and my audio reading TWICE in the past two weeks. Ladies, I am honored. And mollyssister, I hope you're having a fabulous birthday.

But right now, before 2011 comes to a close and 2012 sets up shop, I want to take the time to wish all of you a very Happy New Year. May it be kind and healthful and filled with beautiful things for all of you. May it bring you good times, and growth, and prosperity, and great memories in the making. May you flourish creatively. May you find peace. May you laugh often. May you learn new things, and challenge yourself, and discover that you are capable of more than you ever guessed. May you feel loved and accepted and appreciated as you are. May you be proud to be who you are.

Thanks for spending another year as my friend. I love you very much (yes, all of you--even you), and I'm so grateful for the gift of your friendship. I don't say it often enough, but I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

And as for New Year resolutions, well, I've made mine. In 2012, I resolve to make at least one person smile every day. And also to wear more silly hats. I'm pretty sure I can keep those, and I will enjoy trying. :D

Happy New Year, my friends! ~toasts you all~

holidays, real life

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