Good Morning, Starshines!

Oct 10, 2011 16:06

Or afternoon, as the case may be, as I am clearly no more punctual than I ever have been.

Hello, lovelies! I am in an absurdly good mood for a Monday, some of it a holdover from my glowing mood yesterday. But I'm not complaining, because really, if I can float through the week on a wave of good humor, so much the better. :D

It's been much too long since I have updated, for which I apologize. I'm sorry. I don't mean to be neglectful. I won't bore you with the details of most of the things that have been keeping me busy, because... well, because they're boring. And work-related. I'm fairly sure you can fill in those details for yourself: grading, meetings, grading, office hours, grading, lecture prep, grading, fussy colleagues whose antics are silly but don't bother me, grading... etc. Time is eaten up before I even know where it's gone. But I am busy, and I am happy, and I am healthy, and it is good.

Meanwhile, these are a few of the things that are making me happy:

1. It's Buzzcocks Monday! New episode of Never Mind the Buzzcocks tonight. Jack Dee is hosting. Seann Walsh and Blur's Alex James are guesting. I am pleased. I'm so happy that this show is back that I didn't even mind the presence of the Hoff last week, and I find that I'm actually looking forward to Mondays, because it means I get to see a new episode. Hooray!

2. Two weeks ago, clairvoyant12 and I got to enjoy a fabulous Fangirl Day out at Fountain Walk! The weather was miserable and unseasonably English (think grey, cold, damp, drizzly, and windy), so there really weren't that many other people out and about in it, but on the upside, it was a splendid excuse to wear both a poncho AND a cape (I may never be unhappy again), and my cape billowed so impressively in the swirling wind that I think even Snape would have approved. Grudgingly. (He would probably have been less taken with my cowboy boots and poncho, but there's no accounting for taste.)

Speaking of Snape, one of the things that we did on this fine Fangirl Friday was to watch DH Part II at the theater. It was my first viewing of it, and I have to say, I'm very grateful that I did see it at the theater. I purposely kept my expectations low, I admit, but even so, I was surprised at how much I loved it. It's easily my favorite of the series (tied with PoA, probably, which has structural issues but is still beautifully atmospheric), and I was honestly impressed with the quality of the acting and the adaptation. This felt like the story I had wanted DH the novel to be, and here it finally was, easily more satisfying and stirring and chilling and fantastical and moving than the book, compensating for a number of the lazy writing misfires in JKR's writing. I wasn't even overly annoyed by the epilogue, though I was deeply disturbed by the fact that Harry had allowed Albus Severus to get his hair cut like Justin Bieber. ;-)

I'll probably do a stand-alone post where I can talk more about the movie in-depth, but suffice it to say that I was very pleasantly surprised and enjoyed it.

Other activities on our Fangirl Friday included eating delicious Mexican food and having excellent, hours-long conversation about life, writing, the Exchange, DH2 (film and novel), and even the Mighty Boosh. (Thanks for indulging me and my obsessions, Clairvoyant! &hearts) Also, drinking rojitos, which are like mojitos, but with raspberry. (I know, I had no idea this was possible, either. It's genius.) They are pretty and pink and very yum, and if I had not needed to drive home, I think I would have had several more. ;-)

As it was, it was an amazing time, and one that I hope we get to replicate more frequently.

3. Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my! I never thought I'd say this, but the Tigers and the Lions are BOTH doing well. I think the Tigers had nearly every household in the area staying up late on Friday night, cheering them on to the ALCS and a victory over the Yankees. My fingers are crossed for no more ridiculous rain delays and a smooth series over the Texas Rangers. I would sort of love for a Detroit-Milwaukee World Series to happen (Upper Midwest, represent!), and I hope that I haven't jinxed both teams by saying that now. *g*

As for the Lions... look, I'm not afraid to say it. I love this team. Their good luck may not continue forever, but you can't say that this team doesn't play with heart and guts and class. I'm very proud of them and their success so far. They have not been this good since I was a toddler, and I had sort of given up hope that they ever would be again. I'm glad to be proven wrong, and I wish them much luck in playing Chicago tonight, in the first Monday Night Football game this city has seen in a decade. It's a great time to be a sports fan in Detroit, and the boost this has given to people's moods and morale cannot be overestimated. There is excitement in the air. It makes me happier than I can say to see that pride in where they come from, where they are, the city they love and that nobody else ever seems to treat fairly.

Go, Detroit!

4. In the realm of Project Peacock and my love for the shiny, pretty, and ridiculous (best if all three, I suspect), my own mother has started aiding and abetting me. Last weekend, she called me to come over and get a bushel of apples, since my parents had picked one up for me. So I went to go pick up the apples, only to find that she had also bought a pair of beautiful, wildly-colored rain boots covered in orchids and birds-of-paradise and other tropical flowers, as well as a little black t-shirt covered in glittery cobwebs and skulls, and script that says, "I'm a little bit wicked." My dear, sweet, slightly prim mother would never wear either of these things herself, but, she said, "They made me think of you." Aw, mom. &hearts

5. I made some wonderfully wicked Goth cupcakes last weekend! They were very deep, burgundy-red little cakes in black damask-print liners, topped with from-scratch vanilla bean-cream cheese icing. Not only was I thrilled with the outcome (truly, they are the perfect snack for those times when you're listening to The Cure and feeling a bit hungry), but others seemed to dig them, too, and they disappeared more quickly than a vampire fleeing the first light of dawn. This is leading to more thought about goth and rock 'n' roll inspired baked goods. I swear, one day, I might just open my own little goth/punk/indie bakery. It will have really great music, and I will wear a zebra-print apron with silver studs, and sell cakes and confections with punny names for all those people who find the usual bakeries just a bit too cutesy and mainstream. ~dreams~

6. I went to mass yesterday morning, and although my relationship with religion is... complicated, it was a wonderful way to start the morning, especially because it was a service dedicated to the 10-year anniversary of my Grandma T's passing. (Grandma T is, if you read one of my previous entries, one my major Peacock influences. She was a dressmaker, and although her preferred styles and mine differed, she always, always, ALWAYS encouraged me to dress the way I wanted to dress and make my own style. I miss her terribly, even ten years later.) But if the occasion was sober, the service was--fittingly enough for something devoted to my party-loving, often-laughing Grandma T and Grandpa Louis--filled with humor and hope and wit and a vibrant zest for life. At one point, the organist played "Linus and Lucy" (also know as the Peanuts theme), and it was more than a bit cool. I know my grandma and grandpa would have loved it, and they would have been dancing as much as I was.

The mass was conducted by Father Joe, who is a personal hero of mine. He's a sunshine person, and he radiates such genuine warmth and exuberance and good grace and laughter that I am convinced he improves the lives of others simply by existing, to say nothing of the work he does. He's eloquent and fiercely intelligent (he has numerous degrees, including a law degree), but he never uses that intelligence as a weapon, except in the service of others, to help illuminate their lives and advocate for them when they need it. He's jovial and welcoming, not intimidating. His intellect is massive, but his heart is even bigger, and I am bowled over by his well-grounded self-acceptance and gentle generosity of spirit every time I see him. (In his spare time, he climbs mountains, because he believes in always setting new challenges for yourself.)

Just a few minutes in his presence reminds me of who I am, and what I mean to do, and how I want to live my life, in relationship to the world and the people around me. I aspire to one day be even a tiny bit as effective as he is at improving the lives of others, just in the way he chooses to live his life. Awesome. And I do mean that in the sense of "being filled with awe."

So. There are a few very good things. I hope your lives are filled with good things, too, dear flist. I'm so filled with the happies at the moment that I have unlimited hugs and smooches and cuddles to spare for anybody who could use them. Marvelous Monday to you all! ~blows kisses~

baking, real life, project peacock, buzzcocks

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