Aug 04, 2011 21:36
I haven't been doing the Gratitude Meme here on LJ, although I try to do that--if in no place other than my own mind--pretty regularly in real life. But today, in particular, I have some lovely things for which I am feeling very grateful, so I might as well share them with you. :-)
Grateful Thing the First: Othello had surgery today to remove a lump that the vet was pretty certain was a cyst, but couldn't be sure about until removal. Well, the surgery went beautifully, the lump is indeed a cyst, the lovely people at the kitty doctor's office all celebrated the good news, and he's now home with me, curled up with a new catnip soft toy and being adorable. He was cranky for a bit, understandably, but after reassuring himself that I hadn't switched the whole house around in his absence, he settled right in. He's in perfect health. I am so thrilled, and grateful, and frankly relieved, because Othello's eight now, and there are certain risks with putting a cat that age under anesthesia, so... yes, I'm smiling a mega-watt smile right now and resisting the urge to squeeze him tight.
Grateful Thing the Second: I am so grateful to have a wonderful mother who is not only my mom, but a great friend, the kind of friend I like to hang out with. I like her as much as I love her, which I realize is rare enough, and she was exactly what and who I needed today. She knew I was very anxious about Othello, so she took the day off work to spend it with me, so that I wouldn't have to be alone and bouncing off the walls. I sometimes forget how well she understands me; she kept me busy and distracted with all the right things: coffee (a coconut-caramel latte, which tasted just like a liquid Samoa and was heaven in a cup), clothes and shoe shopping, a visit to a fabulous fabric store that had inexplicably wonderful taste in music (honestly, they were playing the Stones and Yes and Pink Floyd, for heaven's sake, and yes, I danced and lip-synched unapologetically), a deeply satisfying lunch of Greek comfort food.
And through it all, Mom just let me talk and talk and talk. Which, as some of you might know, is basically my default setting. *g* But it was very helpful today, and we had the most incredible conversation about maturity and magic and fantasy and style and project peacock and joy and personal fulfillment and more magic. Not only did she hold my hand (figuratively and literally, at some points), but she helped make this an absolute gem of a day, one that I'll treasure.
In conclusion: many heartfelt hugs to all of you, wherever you might be. I've got a lot of love to share tonight, and there's more than enough to go around. ~adores flist~
all things that are good,
real life