Thank You!

Jun 08, 2011 14:38

And in case you missed the title of the post, thank you again to everybody who helped to make my birthday on Monday such a lovely and uplifting day. I don't know what I've done to deserve such thoughtful and generous friends, but I'm lucky to know all of you and grateful for the privilege. &hearts &hearts &hearts

Thank you to blueartemis07 for the tasty v-gift! Chocolate cupcakes are my favorite kind. :D

Thank you to juno_magic and pyjamapants for the fabulous e-cards, both of which made me grin from ear to ear.

Thank you to droxy, ariadne1, lady_rhian, dreamy_dragon73, tonksinger, geminiscorp, odogoddess, corianderpie, anonymous_plume, moreteadk, ayerf, sc010f, kellychambliss, sbrande, machshefa, annietalbot, pythia_delphi, scatteredlogic, septentrion1970, alwaysimploding, clairvoyant12, kribu, timestep, and tudorpot for the beautiful, touching, clever, and thoughtful birthday e-mails and greetings and good wishes and chats. Every one of them was (and is) treasured, and because of you, I have been smiling like a fool all week.

Last, but most certainly not least, thank you to gina_r_snape, mundungus42, and duniazade, for giving me the gift of great fic! I can't recommend any of these pieces highly enough, and I hope that you'll go forth and appreciate them, too--and be sure to leave some love for the generous and brilliant authors, too.

*duniazade wrote Blue in Green (PG, Snuna) for my prompt of Snape/Luna and peacock feathers, and it's a smart, gorgeous, subtle, dense-with-subtext ficlet that gets at the heart of the unspoken, intuitive understanding that makes this pairing work, and will also make you reconsider Luna's wardrobe in an entirely new light. If you love crazy-like-a-fox Luna, then you will love this!

*gina_r_snape wrote Burn Scar (NC-17, Boosh, Howard/Vince) for my request of Howard/Vince and a bit of hurt/comfort. The result is a perfect, thoughtful, squee-worthy exploration of hinted-at-but-never-explained backstory from the show, explaining just how Vince got that burn scar on his hip--and why. It is by turns sensual, tender, funny, insightful, romantic, clever, and just plain awwwwww-inducing, featuring Vince at his vulnerable best, Howard at his comforting and steady best, and a cameo from Mama Zoom, one of my very favorite obscure Boosh characters. (She's "the one eating toast"! How can you not want to know more about her? *g*)

*mundungus42 wrote By the Book (PG-13, Snape/Hermione) for my request for a Snape/Hermione story featuring a romance by bibliography--which is to say, communicating via deliberately-chosen snippets of literature and poetry and text of significance, in the Victorian tradition of floriography. The story that she's written in response is truly a work of art, taking the idea of love amongst the books to its logical--and delightful--conclusion and weaving a subtle, magical, intelligent, insightful, moving, and wonderfully warm tale of academic intrigue, fascinating (and original) magical theory, and understated romance. The exchanges are delightful, the characterizations are honest, unromanticized and nuanced, and the OCs introduced are so exceptional that they really should be canon. More I cannot say... because you're just going to have to read it for yourself.

Thanks again to everybody who took the time to wish me well on Monday. It means more than you know, dear flist. ~smooches and squishes all around~ I had a wonderful weekend, and I am continuing to have a wonderful week, and you are no small part of that.

I'll do a more thorough update later, complete with pictures and some thinky thoughts that have been brewing, but in the meantime, I hope you're all experiencing some measure of the happiness you've shared with me, reflected back into your own lives. :D

snuna, howard/vince, boosh, hp, snape/hermione, recs, squee, thanks

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