Drabble: Girls and Boys (The Mighty Boosh, All Ages)

Jan 12, 2011 21:03

I actually wrote something, finished it, and posted it! ~dances~

I'll grant you, it's just a drabble, and it's also not Snape--not even HP-related, for that matter--but I am pleased with it, and it feels good to not only flex the creative muscles but actually finish off a project, however tiny. (May this mark a positive trend for the coming year!) Recharging creativity is good for my output in all my projects, and I'm having a hell of a lot of fun playing in the Boosh fandom right now. The prompts at the booshbattle are inspiring me.

So, without further ado, my very first (posted and completed) snippet for the Mighty Boosh fandom. (There will be others, but that's for the future.) It's quite sweet and fluffy. Familiarity with the show would be helpful, but is not a must; all you need to know is that it's about two men who a) are opposites and b) are best friends anyway. I hope at least a few of you enjoy it. :D

Title: Girls and Boys
Fandom: The Mighty Boosh
Characters: Howard Moon, Vince Noir, Howard's Mum
Pairing: Howard/Vince (friendship/pre-slash)
Rating: G (All Ages)
Prompt: From Round V of the Mighty Battle of Boosh (Shorts and Places): a drabble set in Leeds at Casa de Moon (AKA Howard's parents' house).
Summary: Some categories are much more important than others.
Notes: Many thanks to gina_r_snape for the conversations that inspired this take on the prompt. The title (and the rest of the inspiration) comes from the chorus of the Blur song of the same name.

Howard made the formal introductions, while Harriet Moon peered through small, kind eyes at the newcomer, holding back a question. She'd long hoped that Howard would bring a classmate home-but she'd never expected a girl.

Unless it was a boy. She couldn't tell. Vince Noir was a long-haired, colourful little mystery.

"Wotcher, Howard's Mum!" Vince offered a smile so dazzling that Harriet returned it automatically.

Vince's nails were purple, she noted. And glittery. But that smile was sweetly, disarmingly genuine.

"Welcome, dear. Why don't you settle in the lounge while I fetch some tea? Help yourself to the telly, there's a love. Howard, some help?"

As she gathered tea and biscuits-perhaps a few extra, Vince seemed to need feeding up-Harriet asked her question, unsure of which answer she'd prefer.

"Howard, is Vince… what is Vince?"

"Vince?" Howard frowned, anxious gaze darting about. "Vince is..."

A burst of laughter echoed from the lounge, childish and delighted. "Oi, Howard, this is genius! Come and watch with me! Howard? C'mon, it's no fun alone…"

Howard's frown faded into a soft, fond smile. "Vince is my friend," he finally said, his cheeks going a bit pink.

It was, Harriet decided, answer enough.

boosh fic, howard/vince, vince noir, fic, boosh, drabbles, howard moon

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