Positively Late

Oct 30, 2010 14:22

In which the normal cheerful service is resumed, despite the fact that I am once again well off track on the Scoffy Positivity Meme. Again, it's not that anything wrong... life is very good for me right now, and part of that entails me being very busy and not having enough time to post as regularly.

But. I've passed the 30th Day of Yay, and I'll recap the missing ones, so it's all good, right? I'll throw in a few bonus days, even. Let's say to the end of October, since we're just about there anyway? :-)

And in any case, I just want to say what a pleasure it's been to take part in this meme, to be mindful of positive things and to get to share in the joys, large and small, that the rest of you have shared. Awesome meme idea, Scoffy. Let's do this again sometime.

So, about last week...

Day 25

*Infinitely better day than Day 24, and any lingering gloominess was dispelled.

*Woke up to the strains of David Bowie singing "Life on Mars?", which is one of those songs I could listen to on an infinite loop. Sometimes the Psychic iTunes alarm clock knows just what I need to start the day on the right note. :D

*Through a series of bizarre coincidences, was asked to carve a set of Harry Potter pumpkins for a local library's Halloween party. And was offered money to do it! Not much, because... did you read the part about it being a local library? *g* But still very flattering, and a very fun project. I am always looking for more socially acceptable avenues for my gourd-carving hobby.

Day 26

*After spotting Northwestern a seventeen point lead and testing my nerves to the breaking point, my Spartans won again and remain undefeated! SQUEEEEEE! I... honestly can't believe this is happening. But it's wonderful, and I'll savor it for however long this lasts. (I really am sorry they ruined NU's homecoming, though, mundungus42.) The perfect record might change with today's game at Iowa, but it's still already been one hell of a season.

*More wonderful college football throughout the day, including delicious upsets of Iowa and Oklahoma. It was an excellent day to be a fan (...provided you weren't cheering for Iowa and Oklahoma).

*Got bold and decided to try on some old t-shirts that I haven't worn in years. And they fit! And looked good! I'm officially wearing a large. Which may not seem like anything to brag about, but considering where and when I started... yeah, I'm feeling pretty positive about this development.

*Most wonderful of all: a beautiful and very unexpected rec for "Wholly to Be a Fool" from pyjamapants for the fangirl_tour. ~hugs PJ~ Her words made me blush, and they're especially meaningful because this story has a special place in my heart. Of everything I've written, I still think it's my favorite piece, particularly since it pushed me to go outside my comfort zone and think about things--canon, people, characters--in a different way. And it was an honor to write for femmequixotic, whom I fangirl SO MUCH.

Day 27

*Sunday Morning had a very cool piece on Keith Richards, and the thousand different myths around him, which I completely enjoyed. Very cool to see the letter he wrote to his aunt about his first meeting with some boy named Mick Jagger, as well as to see his home now--surprisingly comfortable and classic in design. And he's a gardener! (I was going to say "Who expected that," but the real surprise is that he's growing lemons and flowers, rather than... other substances. *g*)

*Spent many hours swearing at and carving the pumpkins for the library. By the end, my fingers were cramping and stained an unlovely, Oompa-Loompa-ish yellow-orange, but I was very pleased by the end results! I did the same Snape and Fawkes designs from last year, and then also did a Harry and a Dumbledore. Pictures when I can find the time to upload them. :D

*Rewarded myself with a rare treat for dinner: Lad Na from my very favorite Thai restaurant. It was garlicky, spicy, delicious bliss. Plus, with the way I eat now, I had plenty left over for lunch and another dinner!

*The Lions didn't lose! Admittedly, they also didn't play a game, but still. One Sunday without a loss is a positive thing. ;-)

Day 28

*Delivered the pumpkins to the library for the party. They were much squeed-about! I know I was already quite pleased with them, but hearing that still really made me feel good.

*A brief spot of warm, sunny weather. If not for the autumn color, you could have told me it was May and I'd have believed you. Wonderful day to soak it all in, because it will have to last for months.

*On a whim, found a purple, ruffled boa-style scarf at Target. It was just exactly what I was looking for, and it was on clearance, too. Score!

Day 29

*The wind moved in, but not as severely as it might have. Instead, the stormy weather gave rise to a lot of unexpected beauty, like the sight of glowing red-gold leaves juxtaposed with a storm dark sky, or a gorgeous sunset, all rosy-golden-purple clouds smudged against a lavender-blue sky. Or a waltz of orange leaves swirling above the pavement as I walk.

As I said on Twitter: days like these make me glad to be alive.

Day 30

*Cooked dinner for Younger Brother, who was very grateful and uncharacteristically complimentary. This also involved the making of soup (soup, a tasty soup soup), in this case my lightened-up take on beef-veggie-barley soup, which is always good for the soul. It felt good to be able to make him happy--and the soup was pretty tasty, too!


*I wore a cape all day, because it was perfect billowing weather. It's really sort of a cross between a cape and poncho, but that's just a technicality... the point is: wearing one automatically improves the day. And it did. And I billowed magnificently. :D


*A wonderful, wonderful afternoon out at Wawel restaurant with clairvoyant12, droxy and Mr. Droxy, and lampblack! The Polish food was good, the company was great, and the setting was... really quite Hogwarts-like, though I'd never made the connection before. It is quite Gothic revival inside. (Might be an interesting place for cosplay. ~makes mental note~) We talked for hours about fanfic, DH, cosplay, slash, cons, movies, Hissing Harpies... all sorts of things. Laughed a lot.

It was a fabulous afternoon. :D


*Got up early and got my own pumpkins for tomorrow. They are fat and sassy, and I'm looking forward to carving them.

*Made customized Halloween treat buckets for Goddaughter and Godson. (Mini-me, being too young for candy, is getting a soft, fluffy ghost pushie.) Goddaughter's is properly punk (hot pink and black skulls), while Godson's looks like Frankenstein's monster. They're both loaded with gruesome goodies, like gummy eyeballs and cookies that look like dismembered fingers. I have way, way, way too much fun doing these things. *g*

And... that takes me up to now. Godkids will be here any minute for Halloween funtimes, so I'll leave it here. Tomorrow will see me dressed up as a witch (maybe Minerva, maybe somebody else--haven't decided) and passing out candy to the kids.

And tonight... I'm thinking a Tim Burton double-header. Corpse Bride and Nightmare Before Christmas, with all the lights off and the candles glowing? Gah, I LOVE Halloween.

godkids, positive things meme, all things that are good, real life, memes

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