Baubles and Bits

Sep 23, 2010 13:41

1. The Bachelorette Weekend was last weekend, and it was ridiculously fun. Good company, good Lebanese and Indian food (yes, both... this wedding is a cultural mash-up), loads of obscenely-shaped sweets and cakes, goody bags for everybody, dancing and singing and partying (at Edison's, with a packed dance floor) and having a good time until we were about ready to pass out. And then we went back to the bride's and got in our jammies and talked until almost 4 AM. Snoozed for a few hours, and then went for a leisurely brunch before going back to real life. I wound up with aching feet, a hoarse voice, and my neck and cleavage accidentally dyed hot pink and purple from the carnival beads I was wearing, but it was worth every minute.

Other high points for the evening included learning a basic belly dance routine (which was fun enough that we're thinking of performing it at the wedding, sort of flash-mob style), getting a very pretty henna tattoo (the groom's sister did them for everybody), and celebrating MSU's thrilling win over Notre Dame by singing the fight song and starting a "Go Green! Go White!" chant at the club. (Most of our crowd are of the Spartan persuasion.) The band was also unexpectedly awesome, unapologetically 70s-80s retro and mostly synth-pop/rock, so we spent the night bopping to Gary Numan, Adam Ant, the Cars, Devo and New Order, with some Clash, Ramones and Joan Jett for contrast. And some Killers, too, just to keep one foot in this century. *g*

I've finally succeeded in scrubbing away the pink dye, but the henna tattoo remains, as you can see. (Not the most flattering picture of my hand, but hey, it's tough to take a picture of your right hand when you're right-handed!)

I can't wait for this wedding. I'm liking this "having fun" thing, you know?

2. Speaking of this upcoming wedding, I have finally managed to find a dress that fits very well, shows off the newly emerging figure, and strikes the balance between "tasteful enough for a wedding" and "stylish enough to suit Bluey's tastes". The dress itself is sapphire blue (same color as my Rowena Ravenclaw dress, for those who have seen that) and all floaty, artfully twisted, draped and tattered chiffon. I'll glam it up a bit with a few pieces from my big bag of costume jewelry, and the rest of the shiny factor will come from my shoes, with which I am absurdly pleased. THESE... are the Mirrorball Shoes! :D

3. I've signed up for the Autumn round of multifandom recs at fangirl_tour, and I'm really looking forward to it, both to reccing and enjoying all the new recs. It's a really brilliant way to explore new ships and fandoms, because you're getting pointed directly towards the great stuff by somebody who already knows where to find it. I'm having a very good time putting together my recs now, and I'm excited to see what fascinating and new places the other reccers will explore this time.

4. Dad is still doing well, and all the recent scans and tests are looking good. He has recovered to the point where he is intensely annoying, which I take to mean that he's getting close to being able to resume something close to normal life. You never think you'll be so relieved to be aggravated, do you? But I definitely am.

5. Last but not least, fulfilling a music meme from gina_r_snape, who asked me to name fifteen of my favorite songs starting with a specific letter. She gave me V, so I've finally come up with these, in no particular order:
1. Venus in Furs - Velvet Underground
2. Video Killed the Radio Star - The Buggles
3. Virginia Moon - Foo Fighters
4. Veronica - Elvis Costello
5. Vince the Lovable Stoner - The Fratellis
6. Voyager - Daft Punk
7. Victory is Won - Carlos Santana
8. Video - Ben Folds Five
9. Van Tango - Franz Ferdinand
10. Vera - Pink Floyd
11. Vroom - King Crimson
12. Voodoo Child (Slight Return) - Jimi Hendrix
13. Vous Avez l'Heure - Louise Attaque
14. Voices Inside My Head - The Police
15. Veridis Quo - Daft Punk (Yes, that's two from them, but they conveniently have several V songs, so...)

Comment if you'd like a letter from me! Hope all is well for everybody.

fangirl tour, real life, project peacock, memes, recs

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