Random (and a Rec)

Jun 30, 2010 17:46

1. I love, love, love writing reviews. Really. I always wibble that perhaps I've gone on too much, or the author or artist will roll her/his eyes at me blathering on and on and analyzing and speculating, but it's so much fun when you connect with the creator of the content in that way and get a positive response. I just... really dig that. Dialogue! Discussion! Analysis! So. Much. Fun. :D

2. The SS/HG Exchange has been on fire this week with all the good things being posted, and I especially have to squee about a piece that posted yesterday, Reading Season (SS/HG, Mature).

I hesitate to give too much away about it here, but this is one of those "you must read it" recs. It's a crossover between HP and that other H.P.--you know, Lovecraft?--and although that might sound like an odd combination, the skillful mystery author has managed to mesh concepts from both words in a funny, clever, plausible, delightfully absurd and completely enjoyable way. It is a crossover with "The Dunwich Horror," but done in such a way that those who never read the Lovecraft original will miss nothing, and those of you who do know a thing or two about Lovecraft will find the story all the richer. (And fiendishly smart, too.) It's just a knockout blend of horror, humor and romance, with some excellent OCs and even more excellent characterizations (particularly of Hermione and Severus, but Pince, Filch, Harry, Ron and even Armando Dippet get a chance to shine). And there are little Cthulhu scene dividers! And one of the most original sex scenes ever! ~flails~ So much fun, and a true joy to read. Don't miss it, even if you've never read Lovecraft--or if you don't ship SS/HG. Read it anyway. You won't be sorry.

In fact, I loved it so much that I was inspired to wear BPAL's "Al-Azif" perfume today. Mmmm, Necronomicon... ;-)

3. I am ultra-busy with planning and plotting and reviewing and writing and listing and packing and arranging and and and and. But I have a plan--a cunning plan, even--and things seem to be going in a positive direction, and progress is--I think--being made. The more things checked off on my list, the better. ~nods~ I am determined.

4. Lunch this Friday with clairvoyant12. Squee! There will be margaritas and much fangirl discussion. Squee! I can't wait. :D

5. For those of you waiting for hpcon_envy... watch this space, and get your prompt-writing pencils sharpened. ~is mysterious~ (And for those of you who can't make it to Infinitus and will be experiencing Con Envy, please join us at hpcon_envy! Everybody is invited to this party, regardless of ship or genre preferences.)

ss/hg, real life, hp, fandom, hermione, recs, snape

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