Crossover Craziness

Nov 09, 2007 18:06

I don't know if it's just because I finally finished off "To Make the Heart Grow Fonder," or my wicked coffee consumption, or what it is, but in terms of writing, I am in a really, really good space right now. I've got a good idea ofwhere I want the fic to go and bits of dialogue are coming to me all the time. I can sit down and write and write and write, and what's more, I'm actually happy with what I've written, instead of feeling like pitching my computer out the window. Writing my last story felt like a constant struggle, but now that it's over, I feel rejuvenated. I'm not crazy enough to think that this can last forever, but I am optimistic that this will see me through the final push on my Exchange Fic.

I've also gone crazy writing a lot of other stuff, because I can't get the ideas down fast enough. Case in point? This week's challenge for snape100 is "Crossover Snape." That is, the challenge is to cross Snape with another fandom of the author's choice. My first thought? "Oh, cool, I'll do a PSoH one, and that'll be that." I don't write in any other fandoms, so I figured that I'd just do the one.

Wrong. So wrong.

I did write the PSoH crossover:

Title: Love, Hope and Dreams
Rating: PG
Characters: Severus Snape, Count D
Note: Crossover with Pet Shop of Horrors.

Some force had called him to this strange shop, with its sweet clouds of incense and endless labyrinthine corridors. Like its beautiful proprietor, its magic was strange and yet seductive.

“I have an ideal companion for you,” Count D murmured, eyes gleaming like jewels.

Severus gasped as she appeared: red-haired, green-eyed, grace personified.

“Lily?!? How--?”

“Look again,” cautioned the Count.

Severus blinked. In Lily’s place stood a sleek ginger tabby, gazing at him expectantly. Green eyes glowed with understanding, so familiar it made his chest ache.


“Is she to your liking?”


“Wonderful. Now, as to the contract…”

That wasn't the end, however. starlightforest mentioned Dogma, and it got me thinking all sorts of semi-blasphemous things, and this three drabble set was the result:

Title: On a Mission from God
Rating: PG
Characters: Severus Snape, The Metatron
Notes: Crossover with Dogma.

After a lifetime filled with pain, Severus appreciated death’s comforting embrace.

He was therefore extremely annoyed to be awoken by the droning of a familiar baritone: Behold the Metatron, herald of the Almighty…

Severus opened his eyes to the sensation of looking in a mirror: the intruder might have been his twin, save for the clothes and shorter hair.

Well. That, and the bloody great wings.

Severus raised his wand. “Leave, or I’ll--”

“You’ll what? Hex me with that fish?’

Severus’ wand was now a mackerel.

The angel smirked. “The Almighty’s got plans for you, and they don’t involve dying.”

The angel spread his wings dramatically. “I am the--”

“Metatron, voice of God-yes, I heard. Why the hell are you bothering me? I was happy being dead!”

The Metatron glared. “Rain on my parade, why don’t you? No wonder you haven’t been laid in the last twenty years. You must be loads of fun at parties.”

Severus sneered in return. “Sod off.”

The Metatron ignored him, carefully touching Severus’ wounded neck. Almost instantly, the flesh was whole and unscarred.

“Stop brooding and get over yourself, you ungrateful bugger,” the angel advised. “You’ve got a lot of living left to do.”

“You want me to what? You must be joking!”

“The Almighty doesn’t joke,” the Metatron informed him. “Except for that incident with the platypus…but that’s unimportant. What’s important is that you figure into the Divine Plan, and you must fulfill your purpose.”

Severus scowled. “I can’t.”

“That’s what they all say, but if a stinking drunk like Noah could build an ark, then you can manage this.”

“I can’t go back there! I’m a traitor--”

“Already taken care of. You’re a bloody hero, thanks very much.”

Severus was stunned speechless. The angel snickered.

“You see? You might as well live.”

But that's not all! By this time I'd caught crossover fever, and since other people were writing crossovers with House, I decided I'd try my hand at that one, too. The result? Another three-drabble set:

Title: Kindred Spirits
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Severus Snape, Gregory House
Notes: Crossover with House.

Severus woke to the smell of antiseptic--still in pain, yes, but strangely calm.

He was supposed to be dead.

“Is this hell?” he rasped.

“Close enough-it’s New Jersey.” A man’s face swam into view: week-old stubble, brilliant blue eyes. “The good news is you’re gonna live. The bad news? Snake charming isn’t your ideal hobby.”

“How--how did I get here?”

“I was hoping you could explain that. It’s not often a guy pops out of nowhere and starts bleeding out on my carpet. You owe me a new one; only I’m allowed to bleed on it.”

Severus wondered if he’d finally gone mad.

House almost liked Snape. His story was a load of B.S., but the guy obviously believed in it.

House could respect that.

“At least you got yourself some cool neck scars. Chicks dig those.” He flashed his own.

“Is that all you think about, impressing women?” scoffed Snape. “Although that does explain the way you use that cane...overcompensating, are you?”

“Says the guy who walks around with a foot-long wooden rod in his pocket. Yeah, nothing phallic about a wand.”

Snape snorted. “You know, there are potions much more effective than those pills.”

House grinned. “Now you’re talking my language.”

“Stay away from Cameron.”

Severus peered at the improbably attractive doctors. “Which one is Cameron?”

“Dyed blonde hair, looks like a hooker in a lab coat-not Chase, the other girl. Avoid her.”


“Once she hears your sob story, she’ll be all over you like stink on cheese.” House smirked. “Lonely, bitter, dysfunctional…the only way you’d be more her type is if you were dying.”

Severus considered this. She was very attractive…

“Don’t even think about it,” House cautioned. “She doesn’t want you; she wants to fix you.”

Severus shuddered. He’d already had enough of that for one lifetime.

Craziest of all, I've still got a ton of ideas for House and Snape, and I think a real, full-length crossover fic is inevitable. I need another writing project like a hole in my head, but I think my creative side has other ideas.

Now I know how Pandora felt after she opened that box...

count d, psoh, metatron, crossovers, snape, house, harry potter, psoh fic, hp fic, drabbles, dogma

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