Let there be heat! And chain saws!

Jan 03, 2010 13:57

Good news: Dad's poking around with the furnace yesterday resulted in him deciding that the culprit was the thermal coupler, which he picked up at a plumbing supply place and, after much banging and cursing, managed to replace.

Et voila: the pilot light remains on and the heat starts cranking again. My house began to slowly (very slowly) approach a livable temperature once again.

YAY, DAD! ~adores Bluey!Dad, who is not a born handyman but is very, very determined~ He's my hero! :D

Therefore, furnace guy was canceled, which was just fine since he was running behind. (I can't have been the only one with a dead furnace yesterday.) The bedrooms were still too cold for habitation last night, but thanks to the fireplace, space heater and renewed heat, the family room/kitchen area was nice and toasty, and I camped out there with the cats. (Who, by the way, spent almost the entirety of yesterday soaking up heat in front of the fire. A bomb blast wouldn't have moved them.) Watched"La Vie en Rose" on Netflix (again, yay for power and internet) and enjoyed it. (Inasmuch as one can enjoy a story about such a hideously depressing life.) I was duly impressed with Marion Cotillard's transformation into Edith Piaf, especially Piaf at the end of her life, and I liked the decision to not retell Piaf's life in entirely chronological order, but instead to follow the various threads and themes that ran through her life, flitting from childhood to late career to early career to the last sad years of her life, all of it fittingly culminating in "Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien."

Anyway. It was a good night, despite MSU not quite going the distance in the Alamo Bowl, because a night with something as simple as shelter from the biting cold is really pretty good after all. I should appreciate that more frequently than I do.

Heat is still working today, and temps are back to normal inside. Now my only complaint is that my neighbor apparently decided that the cold snap was the perfect opportunity to have their enormous tree removed, so I've been listening to the incessant drone of the chain saw chorus all morning.

Semester starts again on Tuesday. ~sob~ I am prepared, yet I admit that there is a stubborn part of my psyche that doesn't wanna go back yeeeeeeeet, whine whine whine. I am smothering it with laundry and prep and other forms of drudgery. Then I will cook Chicken Chasseur for dinner and once again be thankful for simple pleasures and privileges.

real life

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