I meant to make it back to LJ a bit more quickly after the holidays, but the last week has been busy, to put it mildly. In any case, the holiday wrap-up will be coming up in just a bit, but first, I am well overdue in posting and expressing thanks for the shinies that have been generously bestowed on me lately. I will rectify that now!
First of all, I received a very lovely banner, courtesy of Shug and Pearle, for placing in the SSHG Awards. Is this not very cool? I love the animation on it. Thank you to Shug and Pearle, and thanks to those who voted for me. :D
I was also surprised and honored to be on
quiz_sshg's special Christmas Quiz! "Let Nothing You Dismay" was featured alongside some truly excellent Christmas stories from very talented authors. I am, unfortunately, too late to pimp the quiz for you to play, but I still
recommend checking out the featured stories while you're still in the mood for some great holiday reading. Didn't
morethansirius make a beautiful banner? Thank you, Quiz Mistresses!
Last but most definitely not least, I need to thank Ravenclaw House, who are, as you probably know, the winners of this year's House Cup competition. They very, very graciously held the R.A.V.E.N. Awards this past week, offering recognition and beautiful banners to the authors, reviewers, staff and fellow participants they've loved and admired during the competition. How nice is that? I salute you for your class and grace, Ravenclaw, and congratulations on winning the hard-fought battle. Thank you for recognizing me as a favorite reviewer!
Actually, I lied. That wasn't the last shiny thing over which to squee. The actual last thing comes to me courtesy of Tales of Snape, who generously volunteered to make special banners for all R.A.V.E.N. award nominees. Now, I've never had a banner made for me or any of my stories, and I have zero ability to make graphics of my own, so I jumped at the chance and asked if she might make me a banner for "The French Connection." And she did, and wow, is it perfect! It's even better than what I could have envisioned, and the details are... well, you have to see it for yourself.
It's the Place des Vosges! And Severus with his glasses and Hermione in her red dress! And the "Eternal Idol" sculpture! ~flails~
Thank you again, Tales! You made my day, and considering that the is the first Monday after a four-day holiday weekend... well, that's quite the feat. ;-)