The Good, the Bad and the Other Stuff

Oct 27, 2009 12:26

1. Good news: My H1N1 turned out to be a fairly mild case, for which I am very, very thankful. It was unpleasant and uncomfortable, but the Tamiflu worked and the whole thing was over quick-ish. The only lingering sign of it is the fact that I still tire very easily, which I keep forgetting in my zeal to catch up and rejoin the land of the living. I was actually good enough to get up and go out on Sunday, so I spent the day changing the sheets and washing things and generally de-germing the house, followed by grocery shopping and a bunch of other errands that had been put off while I was out of it. I overdid it, but it just felt so good to be out of the house; I'd been getting really stir-crazy and cranky. Besides, for whatever reason, we're having a spectacularly beautiful autumn this year, so it was a pleasure to be out and enjoy the reds and oranges and luminous golds and greens... lovely, lovely, lovely. I feel fortunate, at times like these, to live in a place where nature issues the occasional reminder that she's Pretty Damned Stunning and Awesome, thanks very much. *g*

Yesterday was back to campus and back to the routine. It pretty much kicked my ass, and I wound up exhausted again by the end of the day, but the fact remains that I am really pretty lucky, and I'm grateful.

2. Also good, if random: my iPod alarm clock randomly selects songs with which to wake me up. It's always an interesting adventure to see what comes up for a given day, but this week's selection is particularly appropriate: AC/DC's "Back in Black." Hee! Awesome. That just makes me grin in the morning. :D

3. Bad news: in my zeal to catch up with things yesterday, I did something to my back, which is really ow and not good. I'm pretty mobile, but something back there is definitely tweaked and letting me know it. Ibuprofin is not really helping with that in the way one would hope it would, and I am reduced to hobbling in a funny way. (Oh, the shame.) Does anybody have a spare masseur to send around?

4. Other stuff: Halloween is coming! I love Halloween. It's one of my favorite holidays. I've always had a taste for the macabre (my friends and family will regularly forward me links to virtual autopsies and such, saying, "It made me think of you"), and Halloween is the perfect excuse to indulge. Plus: costumes! Candy! What's not to love?

I've been remiss in preparing for it this year, but I still have a few days to pick up some candy, carve up some pumpkins and bake up some cookies that look like severed fingers. Or tiny little brains. Or maybe I'll do the gelatin-mold brain this year. Decisions, decisions... I may put up a pumpkin poll later, because once again, I have a lot of potentially great options and need to decide on a direction to take.

5. Also other stuff: I spent some of my sick time writing and sending in SS/HG awards nominations, but I also finally indulged my curiosity and watched the first episode of Dexter. Why didn't anybody warn me that this show is like crack? I've glanced through the novel, which was entertaining, but somehow the material really comes alive (heh) when filmed. Also, Michael C. Hall is far more sympathetic and appealing than any serial killer has any right to be. I am now addicted.

Good Tuesdays/Wednesdays to all of you. And get your flu shots! Seriously, do it.

halloween, real life

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