Two quick pimps, before I forget

Oct 13, 2009 15:00

Pimp the first: I did finally manage to finish off the first installment in a drabble series that I've started, inspired by the Nine Levels of Hell prompt at grangersnape100. It's here: Cocytus. Be warned that it is angsty, although not without hope, and future installments will eventually be lighter in tone. Still, as the title might suggest, Snape is in kind of a dark place at the moment. (I meant that metaphorically, but now I realize that it's literally true, too!)

Pimp the second: Turn in those SS/HG Award nominations! I know that we've all been swamped with unpleasantness, and I'm as guilty of being behind as anybody, but I'm going to make a sincere effort to start turning in my noms this week, even if I have to do it in bits and pieces, and I'd like to ask the rest of you to try to do the same. Shug already does a huge service to all of us by running these awards, and it would be nice if we could make her job a little bit easier, wouldn't it? I think so. If you're having problems coming up with ideas for who/what to nominate, check out this Master List, and I'd also recommend swinging by harmony_bites's journal to check out her lists. There are some good things out there, and it would be great to see them recognized.

ss/hg, fic, awards, pimping, hermione, drabbles, snape

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