Let the Sun Shine In

Aug 09, 2009 14:00

Yesterday was grey and overcast and thunderstorm-laden, from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to sleep. I'm sure we needed the rain, because it had been over a week since we'd had any precipitation, but yesterday was fierce. The backyard barbecue/graduation party I was supposed to attend was canceled, which... I was not entirely displeased about. *g*

Okay, okay, I was secretly delighted. Not that I don't like my family, but it was a looooong, frustrating, thankless week of cleaning up everybody else's crises, putting my own projects on the back burner and swallowing my dissatisfaction, so I was appreciative of some Me Time to allow me to recharge. Thunderstorms are ideal for that. I did the laundry, got takeout, made myself a pot of tea, and settled in for some long-overdue reading, writing, beta work and uploading of fic to OWL.

Speaking of uploading, I took the plunge and unearthed the very first non-drabble story wot I wrote, cleaned it up and decided to archive it. I was kind of dreading looking at it again, because it feels like an eternity has passed since I initially wrote it, and somehow just looking at it brings back all those old feelings of "OMG, what am I doing?" that I felt when I first posted it. But in taking a look at it, I decided that it didn't really make me cringe too badly, and since I'm catching up on archiving, there's no reason not to put it up with my other things. I'm not ashamed of where I started out! So if you want to read it (and possibly point and laugh), it's here: The Bargain. It's Snape/Harry, and whether you see it as pre-slash or total gen probably depends on your perspective. I've uploaded a mess of drabbles, too... I've discovered drabbles that I don't even remember writing. I think they're breeding with each other when I'm not looking.

Anyway, reading over "The Bargain" also made me realize, for the second time this week, that my two year Fandom-versary came and went a few weeks ago without my even noticing it... right while I was at Azkatraz, as it happens. Just goes to show you how far fandom can suck a person in within a relatively short period of time, doesn't it? I guarantee that when I set up this LJ, I never, ever expected that within two years, I'd be sharing drinks and debates with the sort of fandom folk I'd only dreamed of fangirling, to say nothing of dressing in costume and pondering how to make my own Death Eater mask. (Which, by the way... any pointers, anybody? Tutorials? Advice? I'd appreciate it.) And nope, I don't regret a minute of it. Still glad to be here. Still fascinated with the characters. Still love the people I've met, so warm and witty and talented and incredibly strong. Still vaguely amazed that anybody wants to read my blatherings, but very pleased and grateful that they do. :D

Well, it's as blazingly sunny and HOT as it was damp and chilly yesterday, so I think I'll toddle outside and soak up some sunshine in the garden, which took a beating from all the storms yesterday. Baking later, I think. I have a ton of gorgeous fruit and vegetables from the farmer's market and my neighbors, so I'm going to have to come up with creative ways to use it. I got these beautiful, juicy-looking pluots, and I think they'd make a lovely, lovely Plum Custard Tart. Mmmm...

Happy Sundays (or Mondays) to all of you!

harry potter, real life, pimping, snarry, snape

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