9/11 rememberance

Sep 10, 2011 17:33

I know it's somber mood in this post, and it has been 10 years since 9/11 that did changed our lives, point of view, opinions, and everything.

I was 16 years old, and sophmore at FSDB, and I do remember a bit of timeline and a bit of blurred when I was doing at school, which was little strange for us to felt it was very somber and shocked.

This week was our annual state test for our performance education field that how much mesaure of our learning or improverment like that. I dislike this test, because it is very dull and some of them were easy to ace it on some subject areas.

Mom turned the light on and fan off to woke me up without problem at 6:30 a.m.  I felt like.. yuck and wanted f*ck school, but I can't. When I looked the calander, and see the number and Tuesday that I do remembered it very clearly. My hunch was little funny, and felt it will be dark on that day. I didn't know what is it, and ignore it.  I just jumped in the shower as usual and do rountine in the morning.   Mom and I drove in about one and half miles to FSDB before 8:00 am.  My first block was math class under Mr. Schlutz. He's cool guy, and best teacher.  However as usual, we were learning pre-algerba class, which is not my strong suit, but help me to enjoy it to solve the problem as often.  about after 8:50 am, -- suddenly, a teacher aide entered in our classroom with very frantic, and yelling with signs at us,  "the plane crashed into twin towers." then I relpied without hestiated, what is kind of plane that crashed into twin towers?" then she said "I don't know! I don't know!", then Mr. Schultz turned on tv, but there were staic on channel, which is not connect to cable. duh!

Ironically, before few months ago, and before the darkest day. In about summer time.  Mom, Bette and I went to New York City for visited at a green lady statue on an island-- it mean liberty statue on island, and check it out on Ellis island, which was very facasting to see names, things, and rooms that I learned a lot that day.  We were on the boat, when it was on the way to liberty lady and Ellis island- I don't remember which is one.  Anyways I am not sure which is one of us didcaptured the picture of twin towers when we were on the boat. Mom still have it in her classroom.  I noticed the date on the corner of the picture-- I believe it was in June or July.  It was few months before that terrirost attacked the twin towers. I can see the Twin towers were still standing and it was bright day in background, and surround the Lower Mantthan.   In my mind and told myself, I want to visit NYC again and want touch on the site and enter the twin tower to taste the business lifestyle-- you know.   It did not happen.  :-(

I am pretty sure that I did missed another plane crashed into South Tower, and changed into second block -- about 9:15am.   My second block was World History class-- I don't remember, but a bit blurred. It was not that day, but test placement. It was test placement for us as followed our last names as in group. I went up to Martin Price's classroom, which was next to my mom's classroom. I can check on her, but I didn't. I went in Price's class, and informed him about the planes crashed into twin towers. He said, "oh, I will check it out on computer", and as usual, I took this test, but my hunch telling me -- I want to see what was looking like.... in NYC and others. I was woundering about people in that site, but unaware of another events were hitted such as Pentagon, and PA. It was took us to finish about 20 to 30 mins to complete them.  About in between 9:35 to 9:45 am, MP turned tv on, and everyone watched it.  Some of my classmates were with me in next thrid block with Ms. Hodgins for English class.  At this moment, I was shocked to see both towers were in burning and gray smokes from the big hallowed hole of towers that where the planes crashed into both towers and deberis all over the sites on Live TV.  I didn't remember and not sure what time is it when the South Tower was collpased.  I just saw the building was down to flat as pancakes, and all over it with dust and debris on TV. I realized that it was on Live, and became realitic that Evil did develied their actions right there.  It was existed, and still does today.

It did hit us to realize it was realitic and I felt become sick to stomach to see kill all people in the buildings like...  to crashed on ants and destoryed their homes like that. I walked down the hallway and thought about firemen, police officers, and first responsers, and victims were killed and helpless. It is not simple to describes it in my own thought, and it was blurred.

I went to third block class, which was English/Reading, and Ms. Hodgins stopped and dropped the lessons, and turned on tv-- we were watched all the way, and I remembered that Ms. Hodgins yelled at us and even at TV that is war, and terriorist attack!!  Of course, she was upset, but she's from Canadian. We were shocked to see that, and unfolded happening all day.  On our lunch break, it still turned on tv in our cafeteria, and too much for us to witnessed and our reactions were different.  my swimming meeting was cancelled, and sent us home early.  Mom wanted to cheer us up to buy new swim suit, but in my hunch, I know small business and some stores will closed for sure.  It  did comes true, our swimming store was closed.  We return to home, and still watch on news.

I know my hunch was right that that day was beautiful, but it already has been dark for us to change our lives to witnessed different places that we were under terrirost attack on our American soil.  I was just 16 years old to know the reality and fansty worlds were complete different describes it in my own understanding.

I have to say that honor all victims, families, coworkers, friends, and strangers were on same pages who witnessed to this horrible event.  Keep the memories and tell the stoires to our future children that they were existed.  I am a historian and knew the truth has proven that.  the history can repeat, but never forgetten.


***Edited spelling, and grammer.  I was little distracted and tried to recall my memoires. I did added it to clartify on this, and it did help me to recollect my memories.

Feel free comment on this.  Thanks.

9/11, nyc, fsdb, dc

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