Flash news from Sunny State

Aug 19, 2008 18:35

As y'all know that the tropical hurricane Fay was hit West Keys, and southwest of Florida such as Naples, and Ft. Myers since last sunday and yestersday. It was slow a bit to through the central Florida, which it caused the hurricane to become weaker a bit, but it can have elevatation (sp) from the lake that I cannot spell long one, which is Indian name.  However, Since this morning, we keep watch on Fay, that where it can goes through central Florida, but we know that we will unexpect changed on the path of Fay. As you see on the tv screen, our state delcared Emengracy, and must prepare for many cities that where it were get cover of Fay that where it goes on the path.

I know that there is a bit of strange to see that hurricane Fay will direct as in hook shape that will hit my hometown, St. Augustine, and between Jacksonville and Daytona Beach, which is both about 30-40 miles or about 45 mins to drive from my hometown. As we do have concern with our experiences since the hurricane hit our states for many years. We live on above the sea, but as far, we know our state is almost leveled to the sea-- not like New Orleans, Louisiana, which is really below the sea that was very serious and worse for the people who lives there. Back to the point, St. Augustine is not an inland such as Jacksonville. if you don't know what is it, inland is in central or not near the beach, or near the rivers.  St. Augustine is coastal, which is near beach, and also kind of islands, that we have two islands in that area of St.Augustine, St. Augustine Beach, and Ponte Verb Beach (near my school, FSDB).

Since this day, mom email me that she wanted me to fill the gas in our cars, and buy canned foods, and of course waters. We brought three gals of waters, and 12 water bottles. I will fill two liters of water for just in case due to toilets that can't flash itself without power or water. We will see about it, but know that in downtown will have flooding-- As always since many hurricanes hits that old downtown. We live near that area, but live on near the marash..

In our experience that we must prepare in two days advance before the hurricane hit our coastal cities. Some of you don't know that I am surivied thru Hurricane Andrew --Cathgory 4, which was worst history in South Fla. The Meterologists made big mistakes with their predict path, which was on path that where it should force the people leave the city, but they did not. They thought that Homestad was fine, and just minor, but they were wrong. It was destroyed such as Karina, and Biuox, Missouri-- there is almost similar scene to Homestad. I was stayed with my grandparents in Ft. Lauderdale before the school starts, but we have delayed to next week because most of students and parents who live in South Florida such as West Palm Beach, Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, and the Keys.  Of course, we had learned the lesson, but the laws forced the homeowners must have flooding insurance, and "roof and ground" insurance, you know. It will save us some money to cover it, but keep in mind that enconmy is sux and have no choice to cut some budges such as our school, and others. It will spend a lot as in millions.  Well.... That is why I have to put blog to pour it out before you never know the power outages with over 60 mph winds and torando hits.. Right now, We are under warning of torando watch until 1 am.

hurricane, sunny state, prepare for worst

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