thefridayfive1. What are you most thankful for?
My life as a whole.
2. Think back one year, have the things you are thankful for changed?
Not really, they've stayed pretty consistent for a while now.
3. What did you feast on yesterday?
Turkey, ham, dressing, giblet gravy, green bean casserole, sweet potatoe good with marshmellows, and canned cranberry sauce complete with ridges.
4. This time of year is filled with parties, gifts, friends, and family, what are you looking forward to the most?
As said before, I'm not all that big into holidays, so I'll just say I'm looking forward to all the low-key get togethers with friends that happen in between the big events, and I will look forward to heading home and seeing my mom over Christmas.
5. (insert December holiday here) is coming up, what if anything do you want for it?
This has been the question of the hour recently for me, especially with a birthday and Christmas both coming up. I really have no idea. I told my mom to get me some stemless wine glasses, and I hope someone gets me the new Dave Eggers book. And maybe a nice stew pot or a grill pan.
*BONUS: How do you like to cook your turkey?
I've never cooked a turky personally, but I really like smoked turkey. Actually, the ultimate turkey preparation are those giant turkey legs you get at Ren Fairs, but I'm told those aren't turkey at all, and are in fact emu. Whatever...they're still delicious.
A N S W E R - T R U T H F U L L Y
1. Do you like anyone?: Yeah
2. Do they know it? I'd think so.
3. Simple or complicated? eh.
IN - T H E - L A S T - M O N T H - H A V E - Y O U
4. Had sex: yes
5. Bought something: of course.
6. Gotten sick?: yes
7. Been hugged?: yes
8. Felt stupid?: yes
9. Talked to an ex: not really
10. Missed someone: yes
11. Failed a test: no
13. Danced: no
14. Gotten your hair cut?: yes
15. Lied: yes
16. Nervous habits?: cleaning fingernails, picking out eyebrow hairs
17. Are you double jointed?: no
18. Can you roll your tongue?: yes
19. Can you raise one eyebrow?: not individually
20. Can you cross your eyes?: no
21. Do you make your bed daily?: ha!!! definitely not
22. Do you think you are unique?: ish
H A V E - Y O U - E V E R'S
23. Said "I Love you": yes
24. Given money to a homeless person: no
25. Smoked?: yes
26. Waited all night for a phone call?: no
27. Snuck out?: yes
28. Sat and looked at the stars?: absolutely
29. Do you swear/curse?: sometimes
30. Do you ever spit?: rarely
31. You cook your own food?: pretty often
32. You do your own chores?: yes
33. You like beef jerky?: too much
35. You're happy with your life?: generally
36. You own a dog?: hell no!
37. You spend your money wisely?: pretty wisely, just never enough of it
38. Do you like to swim?: yes
39. When you get bored do you call a friend: sometimes
D O - Y O U - P R E F E R'S
41. Flowers or angels?: flowers..I guess.
42. Gray or black?: grey
43. Color or black and white photos?: both
44. Lust or love?: both
45. Sunrise or sunset?: sunset
46. M&Ms or Skittles?: skittles
48. Staying up late or waking up early?: up early, it seems
49. Being hot or cold?: being hot
50. Winter or Fall?: fall
51. Left or right?: depends...I'm left wing but (extremely) right handed
52. Having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends?: 2 best friends
53. Sunshine or rain?: sunshine
more have you evers;;
Sleep in a bed of the opposite sex?: yes
Hooked up in the woods?: no
Drank a bottle of alcohol by yourself?: I can drink an entire bottle of beer, yes.
Hooked up in the shower?: yes
Been Dumped?: yes
Stolen money from a friend?: no...not cool
Slept naked?: yes
Been in a fist fight?: ha! no.
Snuck out of your house?: yes, once again.
Had a crush on a teacher?: kinda
Seen someone die?: no
Been on an airplane? yes
Slept all day?: yes, but only when very sick
Missed someone so much it hurt?: yes
Fallen asleep during school? yes
Been lonely?: yes
Cheated in a game?: yes
Been to the ER?: a few times
Been in a car accident?: nothing major, just been bumped a couple times
Had detention?: yes, but it's been probably 12 or 15 years ago
Missed your first love?: yes
Cried yourself to sleep?: yes
Sung in the shower?: not anytime recently
Kissed a complete stranger?: oh yes
Laughed so hard you cried?: yup
Cheated on a bf/gf?: yeah...
Regretted hurting someone?: yes
Regretted loving someone?: no
Been SUPER happy?: sure