Aug 05, 2006 09:59
My scroll bar has somehow disapeared from Word, which is fine when working with a one page document, I can still hit the arrow key to get around, but I have an idea for a novel (or at least a short story) brewing in my head, and I'd like to be able to get around in the document by scrolling, rather than arrow keying. How can I get it to come back? (Please don't tell me to reinstall Office, I have no idea where I got it at this point, and even if I had a disk for it at one point, I have no idea where this disk is anymore...)
Ah, lazy Sunday Saturday morning. I haven't heard from my mechanic yet...gonna give them a call probably after I'm finished rambling, I'd like to know my car is at least being worked on, even if I'm not going to have it today.
It's 10 am and I'm on cup of coffee #2, still unshowered and in my PJs. I would normally be at the coffee shop about now, but Kharma is a 25 minute walk away, and Jupiter House is about 40 minutes away. Instead, I'm drinking coffee from home, which would be fine, it was good coffee until it got olive oil on it from a sharpening stone my sister is loaning me. Olive oil is not a complementary flavor to cinnamon flavored coffee.
What to do with my un-vehicled self? It's amazing to me to be sans car...I don't drive that much, but I am so dependent on my car when I do drive. I think I'll clean house and pick the grass burrs out of my carpet. Picking grass burrs out of the carpet has become part of my Saturday routine, much to my amusement and disgust.
I woke up this morning and found the roommate had set the AC on 72. That's way too cold, not only because I'm in summer mode, I'm not used to being that chilly, but also because I don't want to pay for that level of AC. I guess his GF likes it cold. Meanwhile, he sets it on 85 if it's just going to be me in the house. *makes personal note to check the thermostat more often*