(no subject)

Jun 08, 2006 10:29

Alison, Kat, and I met up after I got off work for Alison's birthday. It was a pretty low-key affair...we got coffee at Jupiter House before heading to Mr. Munchies (new Vietnamese restaurant on Carroll Ave. that I've been itching to try) only to find their hours are 11 am-7pm...we got their at 7:18. So we went to Sweetwater instead and all dined on salads (I forget how much I love salads, especially in hot weather), then to Beth Marie's for ice cream and more sitting on the Square, then to Lou's for some low key drinking and rambling, meeting up with Christopher and a freshly-shorn Eve.

I found myself strangely not in the mood to drink, which I suppose is just as well as I have $6 to last me until midnight tonight--thank you direct deposit!--and I'm not 100% sure I have enough gas in my car to get me home (I think I do though). I also felt the urge to get out of the town pulling even harder than it has recently...people keep leaving, friendships keep drifting apart...I can't help but feel I'm done with this town as I embark upon my illustrious career as an Administrative Assistant, riddled with debt and a decrepit Volkswagon. (Gee...I'm sure glad I went to college!)

Though really, I'm not doing too badly...I've got a bottle of wine and food to eat. I'm going to chance writing a check to Kroger so I can buy ingredients to make some pasta salad for the company potluck tomorrow. I'm gonna remove the portfolios, drawing boards, and beat up extra large sketchbooks I've been lugging around in the Cabrio's trunk since moving--no time is my history as an art school girl more prevelent than when I move and have to lug the debris around in my car. I'm going to wake up early tomorrow, get an oil change, go to work, jump in my car, toss my sister in my car, and drivedrivedrive to Lubbock to see my mom and schwarzbrille and facebite (and meet his lovely lady!).

And, gosh darnnit, I really have to get me some Taco Villa...

food, family, plans, friends

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