Sep 27, 2005 02:41
I have no idea why I have been feeling so annoyed lately. It's starting to piss me off. I could go the safe route and say that it's PMS, but I've been feeling like this for weeks now. I think it's more of a case of me being annoyed with myself for letting certain situations bother me so much, when I know they shouldn't.
(I'll be fine. I just needed to vent that.)
In other news, I had a couple of freakish moments of deja vu today. Seriously weird and spooky. Then I spent some time trying to remember when I dreamed those incidents.
Also, to all you Yoga people out there, any advice on poses for aching knees and sore thigh and calf muscles? I've tried regular stretching on the floor, but it aggravates the knee and sometimes the upper thighs. I've been eating lots of fruit lately, so I'm not sure if it's a lack of potassium in my muscles. Maybe I need to get back on vitamins. Any recommendations for GOOD women's vitamins?
Any sound advice would be greatly appreciated. I now look at my Yoga mat with longing but am scared of being in pain again.
I will pop another Tylenol PM and knock myself out. Hopefully, I won't fall smack down onto the floor or walk into walls while having to go to the bathroom. heh.