Sep 24, 2007 12:56
It's that time in my life when everything basically comes to a crashing halt over one stupid game. That game being Halo 3.
There was a time when I was a true Sonyboy and made fun of the Xbox. Nothing coming out for the system looked impressive to me, and anything good was going to be available on the PS2 anyways. Then, one fateful night, right before Christmas day, I bought a Xbox, Halo, and Dead or Alive 3. That was it for me. I was a Xbox lover to the end, and Halo was the reason why. The single player story was interesting, but what it came down to was gameplay. Never being a console FPS lover before that, something just clicked in the way Halo felt. The sense of speed, accurate controls, and button layout just made sense for the first time on a gamepad, and the multiplayer scope and possibilities seemed endless.
Hundreds of hours of game time was lost at 12-16 player lan parties, and for about a year I ran a weekly Thursday Halo night. It was called Running Riot, and I rearranged my entire apartment just to host the weekly event. Everyone was invited, and it was in fact how I met one of my best friends, Brett. Halo 2 changed all that with the inclusion of Xbox Live, and suddenly no one wanted to carry TVs and equipment over to each other's house. Most of our group still played and kept in touch, but it was nothing compared to the Halo 1 days.
Now Halo 3 is upon us tonight at midnight, and I couldn't be more excited. People can downplay it all they want, but to me, Halo is a game that I really look forward to in every incarnation. I could barely sleep last night due to my anticipation, and I can guarantee no sleep tonight. So if you are on and want to play, add my Gamertag BluestarNEO and join the party! It's going to be a fun and exhausting week.