Application for modo_pareidolia

Feb 09, 2011 21:58

Name: Rina
Contact: heart will smile (AIM) || tablish

Character name: Shiina
Character journal: bluestained
Fandom: Angel Beats
Point of Canon: Episode 12; Knockin' on heaven's door
Tattoo number: 62149
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Shiina is 5’ 6” and weighs 55 kg. She has long blue hair, crimson-colored eyes, and is slender. She wears the special seifuku of the SSS, along with a long black scarf covering the bottom part of her face and her neck. Her skirt is slightly different from the usual, as it has two short slits which is probably to aid her in movement.

Picture yourself in a room full of people, where everyone is chattering, mingling, cracking jokes left and right, and generally having fun. And then suddenly, a person in the corner speaks up and everyone becomes silent and stares at her, wondering if she was invisible because no one noticed she was there before, and the only words that come out of her mouth is to comment on how shallow everyone in the room is.  However, even with the little words she says, she leaves an impression on everyone who meets her. Chances are, you've come upon Shiina,  a self-proclaimed female ninja.

Shiina is rather reserved and usually puts up a tough and quiet front, giving off an aura of the kind of person you wouldn't want to mess with. She is secretive and keeps to herself, thus no one in the SSS knows what happened before or why she died, and it seems as if she has no intention of revealing it to anyone. She is smart and rarely speaks, only doing so when it is necessary or if she wants to speak her mind, usually saying the phrase "how shallow-minded" whenever the obvious or something stupid is said or done by her colleagues. Sometimes, when she speaks, her companions all become silent and flail later (sometimes exclaiming "Holy crap! Shiina spoke! This must be a really critical situation!").

However, despite her serious demeanor, she has a great weakness for adorable things, especially for cute toys and pets. One example of this is when she risked her life in the guild, jumping in to the water to save a toy puppy, thinking it was a real one and not wanting it to drift away. She seems to be different when with cute pets and toys, and adorable creatures easily see her as a friend because of her gentleness towards them. She has a soft side to her that her colleagues have never seen and she refuses to let them see, a side of her that sometimes feels sad and alone, though it will only come out when she is alone with her toy puppies. She also has her "stupid" moments, times when she becomes somewhat funny in a way even when she doesn't intend to, and it is something her companions take advantage of.

She is also quite athletic and is good at sports, as seen as when she played baseball and made a point against the team’s opponent, while balancing a broom on her fingertip the whole time. She is strict in her training and would continue with it even when she is needed to do something else. Shiina's training mostly consists of balancing objects such as broomsticks, scissors and mops on her fingertip, sometimes balancing one on each of her fingers simultaneously while doing something else. She is also very self-critical when she fails.

Shiina isn’t exactly what you’d call friendly, but she’s not that hard to get along with either. She considers her friends as merely colleagues and companions, and it isn’t easy to earn her full trust. However, even though she sometimes sets herself apart from her friends and prefers to be alone in order to train or play around with her toy puppies, she cares about them even though she doesn’t know how to show this and she is the kind of the person who is very dependable and whom you can count on during times of need and comes through when it matters most. Shiina is usually the one who will set out to find a way to escape or find a solution to a problem she and her companions are faced with.

Powers/Abilities: Shiina is a highly capable fighter and is skillful when it comes to fighting with traditional Japanese weapons such as dual-wielding kodachi and shuriken, and she has great agility and swiftness while using the weapons. She is able to sense when danger is coming, is good at balancing things, and she prides herself in her concentration ability.

Not much is known about Shiina's past before she entered the afterlife. Before joining the SSS (Shinda Sekai Sensen-- Afterlife War Front), she lived in the deepest underground level (which was not yet controlled by the guild) and was called the "underground" or "final" boss by Yuri and Noda, because of her strength. Shiina's first meeting with Yuri and Hinata resulted in bloodshed and the deaths of both of them, until Hinata restrained her letting Ooyama, Chaa, and Noda rescue them and capture Shiina. However after Noda ran off with Chaa chasing him, Shiina managed to escape, and relentlessly attacked the remaining group as they tried to escape. Eventually the group managed to make it back to the Afterlife School where "Tenshi" protects them, while they regrouped with Chaa and Noda to form a counter-attack plan. Shiina is finally defeated after being backed into a wall and cut in half by Hinata, who was kicked off the roof while equipped with two swords. In the infirmary Shiina was invited by Yuri to become a member of the Afterlife War Front, to which she cautiously accepted.

Journal sample: 
[shiina's eyes scanned the unfamiliar place, not letting her guard down in case a shadow was lurking around and would soon attack her. there were citizens around the area, she noticed. what were they? NPCs?  she continued to move forward, her eyes focused straight ahead when a small little critter hopped towards her.]

A rabbit? [she said to herself, crouching down to pet the little thing. before she knew it, more and more came towards her and she felt somewhat amused and curious] They just keep on multiplying and multiplying. [suddenly, she feels the ground shake beneath her and she stood up, her eyes falling upon a rabbit hopping around... except it was twice her size. An idea suddenly came upon Shiina. ] Now this is just what I need.

Prose sample:
The first thing that came into mind when Shiina woke up was that this was not the heaven she had imagined it would be, and yet this place didn’t look like Purgatory either. Her eyes opened wider as she got up, fully awake now. What was the last thing that happened? They had fought against the shadows and had somehow defeated them, right? She had completely forgotten some of the events that happened that day, and all she could remember was feeling a sense of peace. Had she finally passed on? She didn’t know, but judging from her surroundings, the only thing she could make out right now was that she was the only SSS member around, and Yuri, Otonashi, and the others weren’t here, whatever this place was. And that feeling of peace she once had felt disappeared.

Remembering the point from where she had woken up-near that giant fountain-she headed forward, with nothing in her hand but a device she had found in her pocket and none of her weapons. Where were her weapons anyway? Did she misplace them during the fight? Impossible; she wasn’t that careless, and she was always focused whenever she had to fight. Maybe weapons weren’t allowed when you pass on? Question after question rushed into her mind and she was confused, although her features gave nothing away. However, that didn’t matter now. If there was one thing she was sure of, it was that she was going to find out what this place was, and that she could survive without her weapons and the other members.

Moving along, she felt the ground shake beneath her and she narrowed her eyes ahead of her, catching sight of a huge creature. Tenshi? No, wait... a rabbit? Come to think of it, she thought to herself as she looked around her, this place had a massive influx of rabbits of different sizes everywhere! Was heaven a shelter to different kinds of rabbits? That wasn’t what she was told back when she was still alive, or even when she was in Purgatory. Was this some kind of trick Kami-sama had up his sleeve? “How shallow-minded,” she said to herself, looking down on the ground to hide a small smile that had managed to form on her lips. Adorable things really had a different effect on her. Rabbits were cute, and not only that, with one of them being more than twice her size, she could definitely use it for transportation and for exploration of this place.

She then crouched down on the ground, before suddenly jumping high enough to reach the back of the giant rabbit. She patted it gently and stroked it’s fur, making it realize that she had no intention to hurt it and that she was a friend. “Let’s go, Shuri,” she whispered against it’s ear after a moment as she held it's fur tightly and yet gently, instantly naming it, and becoming the giant rabbit’s rider as it began hopping and moving forward slowly.

Anything else: NA.
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