Mar 11, 2004 04:00
So not having a car for a few days is proving to be quite the problem. I'm going to have to take the bus to class today for my test I suppose. I keep forgetting that I don't have a car and tell people that I am going to go somewhere and then i'll be like "oh wait, nevermind, no car". Oh well, I should have it Friday or Saturday at the latest.
So I found out that I can't have my labret piercing in while at work because of "Safety Reasons". I don't know when the last time was that I heard of a piercing getting stuck on a Fed Ex box, but whatever. I am just going to buy a retainer (a clear stud that makes the piercing almost invisible) and just hope that they don't notice that I have it in. I would just take it out but it would heal up within 3 hours probably. I'm just going to get the retainer and not worry about it.
Yea, I lied about staying up until last night and going to bed to get back on schedule. I ended up going to bed at 3pm and getting up about 2 hours ago at 1:30am, but that is two nights with about 10 hours of sleep so I think I will be able to do it tomorrow, I hope so at least. I kind of have to because I have a test today at 2pm and I am supposed to hang out with some people later tonight also.
Besides those two things I have nothing else planned for today. I might clean my room up after i'm done with this entry because it is a mess right now and I have been telling myself to clean it up for like a month now. I have to make a trip to the bank today and work out my money situation so I can have at least some necessities until I get a paycheck. Then I have the test at 2pm which I didn't study for but I took this class last year and everything is the same so far so I should do really well on it anyways. I am hoping that I will get my $800 check from the school in the next week so I won't have to worry that much about money and I can put it in the bank for car payments. After my test I am going to just see what happens until I hang out with Jenna and her friends from Ypsi tonight. Should be fun times, we are having a small blacklight party tonight and then we are all going to see what else is up.
Tonight is basically the last night for me to do anything with anyone around here for the weekend, because Friday I am going up north to Kalkaska for our semester retreat until Sunday, it should be fun even with hardly any money.
Sunday I am going to come back here to chill for a few days and hopefully work my schedule out with Fed Ex on Monday. Then on Tuesday Alex is coming up here and we are gonna have a blast as usual until Thursday, a friend from West Branch might also come here on Tuesday, it should be fun.
I should get to cleaning my room, I have a lot to do in here. I might post something later on if I think of anything. Ciao.