Summer is going to be PACKED!!!!!!

May 29, 2004 20:00 goes my summer schedule. All May I've just been working :P

Starting on tues I'm gonna have school from like, 8-3 and then work 4-8 like every day :P bleh. (cept fridays where I work all day)

And one weekend, I'm going to Pennsylvania, from like, friday to sunday. Fun. Then I have the whole uneventful month of july to hopefully work a lot and let my bank account recover from all the things that have thus far made me broke.

Then in August....I work some more....and then on the 12-16th I'm going to be driving w/ David to MARYLAND!!!! I'm looking forward to the trip. David wants to stop by somewhere along the way to meet up with old friends. I dunno if they'd be so thrilled to meet me, but if he wants to do it, I'm behind him. Hopefully nobody will dislike me too terribly much in maryland with all the elantra people :D I love driving and seeing other states.

Then, I have like another week and fall classes start. Somewhere in there I have to go visit a couple schools and see if I can get some kind of degree plan :P

So that's it. 3 months sounds like a long time but I'm sure it'll go fast.

Well...Sara Beara and I are going to go get a movie since my boy is in Dallas tonight. Gotta go shelter shopping tommorrow ;_; Anyone want a 2 toed kitten?

<3 ~*Stephanie Jeanne*~ <3
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