(no subject)

Jan 05, 2005 21:59

I played in a Halo LAN party tonight, and for some reason, Halo just seems less and less fun. Sure it's a blast at times, but it's not a constant glow, you know?

Maybe it's just my mood but it was that way last time too :\

My day in the daytime went fairly well except that for one reason or the other I kept getting stuck with the cash register and thus had to stay in the office a majority of the time.

I gotta start getting to work earlier too, speaking of work. I'm aiming for getting there at 7am :\


Hey, I just noticed a connection. I've always saved Halo for when I'm totaly stressed out and need to wind down. I haven't been working hard lately, it's just been office work the past 2 days.

That's fodder for the mind.

I have more decorations in my room now, a section of my wall with 5 calendars in it, a metal dry erase board for magnetic poetry and quick notes, a Marylin Monroe poster (framed) with three (framed) b&w's of Tracy going down beside it and a guitar scale poster (unframed). I'm planning on getting some musician pics and framing them near the scales they should go next to. BB King next to Blues, Steve Vai next to Modes, maybe Eric Johnson next to Pentatonic, Ani Difranco is going next to either Major or Minor, and then unknown for the other one.

And now, for a survey to end the entry.

name_ Samuel Emfinger
birthday_ August 27th, 1984, buy me things
city/state of birth_ Dothan, AL
city/state you live in now_ Dothan, AL

age_ 20
sign_ the Virgin
eye color_ blistre
hair color_ dark brown
height_ 5'8 1/2"

c h a p t e r 1 - f a v o r i t e s-

color- surveys measured in "chapters" scare me
food_ Italian & Greek
clothing brand_ Element
shoe brand_ Mood/purpose dependent
book_ Arabian Harem Nights of a 1,001 tails
type of music_ Hip hop, blues, rock and roll
song[s]_ Ani Difranco - Shameless
singer_ Lucille
bands_ Right now? Eminem
number_ 7
restaurant_ Olive Garden
movie_ no fave right now

c h a p t e r 2- y e s or n o

do you smoke?_ Only on New Year's
do you drink?_ No
have you ever been in a car accident?_ no
do you hate your parents?_ no
have you ever broken a law?_ All of them were traffic laws.

c h a p t e r 3 - c u r r e n t l y . .

what are you wearing?_ Jeans, a navy shirt, a black skullcap, boxers, socks, and Doc Martins
who are you talking to on the phone?_ Your mom
online?_ Your dad
what time is it right now?_ 10:12pm
are you happy right now?_ little peeved at this survey
what are you listening to?_ My a/c
what are you doing?_ putting on a show on my webcam

c h a p t e r 4 - t h i s / t h a t -

water/soda_ Water
plain milk/chocolate_ Whole milk
rock/pop_ Rock
pop/hiphop_ Hiphop
hiphop/rock_ Blues
george bush/bill clinton_ For president or pimp-of-the-year?
tupac/jarule_ 50 Cent
dog/cat_ Dog, a big one
britney/christina_ Christina; Britney's still slutty, at least Christina's trying to clean up her act
phone/computer_ written letters
online shopping/mall_ mall

c h a p t e r 5 - l o v e/ l i f e -

do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?_ Both?
do you have a crush on someone?_ Your mom
who is the person you like now/if not, who was it before?_ Tracy
*if you stopped liking that person, what was your reason?_ The goats got in the way, but we're back together now
how long did you like that person/have you been liking that person?_ 4 years in May
does s/he go to the same school/work?_ nope, never have, ironically enough...
can you imagine getting married with your gf/bf?_ Hey, I just got this letter in the mail...
does your gf/bf treat you right?_ I'll tell you after I find out what's in this letter
do you want to get married some day?_ If I'm mormon...
do you want to have kids?_ Do I have to take care of them too?
how long was your longest relationship?_ still counting...
whatre at TWO things you look for in someone?_ Good conversationalist, no reserve, but a little caution. Head over heart on important matters.

c h a p t e r 6 - f r i e n d s

who is your best friend?_ let's see how this letter goes...
who can you tell anything to, ANYTHING meaning even your deepest darkest secret?_ The open audience that reads this journal isn't on my list
who is always there for you?_ That reminds me of a Friends' song. Or rather, THE Friend's song, I suppose.
who do you tell your problems to?_ My shrink
who is the one person that makes you laugh A LOT?_ John
who is the most annoying?_ George :P
who can you talk to nonstop?_ alissa. No, wait, who can *I* talk to nonstop? Oh, I dunno, thought that read the other way around.
who do you write letters to?_ Just Tracy
who has the best personality?_ Mr. Sarcasm himself, ME! ... yeah, right XD
who laughs a lot?_ Alissa
who have you known the longest?_ John
who is your smartest friend?_ ....
who is the craziest?_ in a good way or a bad way?
who do you talk to on the phone most?_ Tracy
who do you play with alot?_ In a good way or a "bad" way?
who do you joke around with alot?_ John
who is the most generous?_ Your mom, in a "bad" way
do you envy any of your friends?_ not on a large scale, but a little
do you get along with most of them?_ they're my FRIENDS for Pete's sake! Of COURSE I don't get along with them!
do you have an imaginary friend when you were little?_ I imagined I did, does that count?
do you still have one?_ Nah

c h a p t e r 7 - y o u r f u t u r e -

what do you want to do when you grow up?_ Trader, musician, writer
do you want to have kids?_ We did this already didn't we?
what kind of car do you want?_ I already have the 1996 Impala SS there are no more rungs on that ladder
what color?_ Black
who do you want to marry?_ I have a list around here somewhere...
where do you want to live?_ I really do wonder what's in this envelope here.
c h a p t e r 8 - u s a g e/a t h o m e s t u f f-

what kind of shampoo do you use?_ The green bottle and the for-horses-too type.
what perfume/colgne do you use?_ Very Sexy, Lucky You, Kirra, Nitro, and Eternity
do you use a desktop or laptop?_ laptop
how many computers do you OWN?_ two, technically
how many computers do you have at your house?_ 4
do you have your own room?_ sure, why not?
is your computer in your room? if not, where?_ When I carry it there
do you have a television in your room?_ For sexual viewing pleasures only
do you like your room?_ More than I like this needy, clingy, emotionally codependent survey.
whats in your room?_ omg, the survey started crying after that last comment.... HA!
what color are the sheets/pillows on your bed?_ Earth tones or water tones
whats on your bed?_ Tracy
how many floors at your house?_ three. Hardwood, carpet, and tiled.
how many rooms including bath, and living?_ 11, Exluding garages and closets
do you have painting around your house?_ what? That made no sense.

c h a p t e r 9 - l a s t / r a n d o m s

did you like this survey?_ It can kiss my- hey look, a butterfly.
will you take this again?_ Will I stub my toe twice in a row?
where will this survey go?_ to hell, I'm sure of it
what time is it right now?_ Time to go find your mom
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