Sep 04, 2006 00:17
the only thing i *really* want is to always have someone (or several someones) to talk to. and the only think that makes me really upset is feeling like i can't talk to anyone.
in other news... i should only drink with people i like to talk to. i enjoy the little buzz and the little shove toward more openness with those people. with people i'm not too fond of, drinking doesn't make it better.
also, when can i stop being so lonely?
in all fairness, i haven't had a lot of time to get too down -- i like the whole getting back to school think, scrubbing the tables, purging my files... i especially love how enthusiastic everyone is. i wish we could stay this way all year! and i like having the time to talk to and from school, to get psyched up for school before actually going there, to go to dinner in allston afterwards, etc. i like the team-building, the showing up even though i don't need to be there, the sorting out protractors and markers, the sharpening pencils and making new files.
of course, i do miss the kids. that is, after all, what i live for. i'm glad they're coming back soon.
(can you believe it? i live for a bunch of unappreciative 14-year-olds. it's not just my job -- it's what i live for.)
but anyway, i've been having a ton of fun this last couple of weeks.
and in reading news...
- i finished the amazing adventures of kavalier and clay
- i started another bullshit night in suck city (for the book club)
- i started the great influenza
for a while, another bullshit night seemed like i might like it, but now it's sort of moving more toward what i expected it to be. too much getting high and cursing for my taste. not that i'm judging... i just don't relate that well.
kavalier and clay, on the other hand, was genuinely good, through and through. the first of the book club books that i've genuinely liked. i would recommend it to anyone, with no reservations.
an odd thing about that book: it has a lot of stand-alone sentences, most of which, when read aloud independently, sound terribly depressing. but taken together, the book isn't *too* depressing... i wonder why that is. i wish i'd been around to discuss it in book club.
this year, i plan to...
- go more regularly to tech squares
- watch grey's anatomy + veronica mars
- continue with my small faith community
- spend 1 evening/wk bonding with co-workers
- keep up with that book club
- walk 3 miles *or* go to the gym, every day