My Brain Hurts.

May 31, 2005 22:30

Ok, so it's been a while, so here's a conversation that I just had about one of the most mind-boggling lists I've seen, headphones, and pooping wheat stalks (conversation with Bratney/Austin, whichever name thou wish to call her):

*WARNING: contains some language and images not suitable for anyone in their right mind.*

WayOfTheGuitar: ah, I'm mostly troubled about issues of the mind
WayOfTheGuitar: like, thought and philosophies right now
Ramen ga suki: *nods* go on
WayOfTheGuitar: well, there's this list made by a conservative webpage
WayOfTheGuitar: which lists the most harmful books of the 19th and 20th century
WayOfTheGuitar: and number one? Communist Manifesto
WayOfTheGuitar: number two? Mein Kampf
WayOfTheGuitar: my question is: how the fuck does the Communist Manifesto outrank Mein Kampf
WayOfTheGuitar: strictly from a philisophical view, Mein Kampf is much more dangerous and harmful than the Communist Manifesto
WayOfTheGuitar: and even from a real viewpoint, Mein Kampf led to more turmoil than the Communist Manifesto
WayOfTheGuitar: plus, on the list, "On Liberty" by John Stuart Mills (the article basically formed the thought for our constitution) is an "honorable mention" for most dangerous
Ramen ga suki: hmmm, that is interesting
Ramen ga suki: who made this list?
WayOfTheGuitar: a conservative "think-tank"
WayOfTheGuitar: I'll send you the link, just lemme fish it out
WayOfTheGuitar: and some books on sex and feminism also ranked rather high
WayOfTheGuitar: which boggles my mind
Ramen ga suki: they're just scared of little 3 year olds gettin them
WayOfTheGuitar: seems like it
WayOfTheGuitar: I mean, Origin of Species is an honorable mention?
Ramen ga suki: sheesh...a society run by white, non caring males
WayOfTheGuitar: isn't that one of their biggest fears at the moment?
WayOfTheGuitar: yeah, white, apathetic males thinking through their dicks
WayOfTheGuitar: no wonder we're getting screwed
Ramen ga suki: XD nice
WayOfTheGuitar: lol
WayOfTheGuitar: thank gawd for music
WayOfTheGuitar: or else I would consider just ramming my head into a wall or something
WayOfTheGuitar: not that I'm not thinking about it now, I just don't want to ruin the headphones
Ramen ga suki: HAHA XD
Ramen ga suki: yea, those die quickly anyways
WayOfTheGuitar: exactly
WayOfTheGuitar: no need to expedite the process over old, white men
WayOfTheGuitar: I bet they'd have a stroke if they actually *read* any of the books on that list
WayOfTheGuitar: like Kinsey's book
WayOfTheGuitar: jesus, they'd die of ecstasy
WayOfTheGuitar: "Wait, I can do WHAT with my dick? *passes out*"
Ramen ga suki: XD
Ramen ga suki: funny
Ramen ga suki: I wonder if any of them have even read those
WayOfTheGuitar: the sad part is that I bet they learned all the know about sex from their priests
WayOfTheGuitar: "And if you look at a girl with lust in your eyes, it'll turn to salt!"
WayOfTheGuitar: that's why a lot of people are coming out of the closet. They've been taught not to look at girls with lust, so they started looking at guys
Ramen ga suki: XD that's bad Tay
WayOfTheGuitar: well yeah
WayOfTheGuitar: but have you seen the perfect irony?
Ramen ga suki: go write your own book
Ramen ga suki: see if you can get the number one spot
Ramen ga suki: XD
WayOfTheGuitar: most of the strongest anti-gay people have been coming out in droves
WayOfTheGuitar: hah, I'd rule the list
Ramen ga suki: I know XD
WayOfTheGuitar: it wouldn't be "Top 10 most Harmful books," it would be "Why You Shouldn't Listen to this Jerk-off"
WayOfTheGuitar: jesus, I need to calm down
Ramen ga suki: heh, go get some tea
Ramen ga suki: green tea or chai
WayOfTheGuitar: ah, if only there was some around here
WayOfTheGuitar: all I got is... Mountain Dew
WayOfTheGuitar: crap, that's not gonna help
Ramen ga suki: ....nope
Ramen ga suki: have any bread?
Ramen ga suki: go make toast
WayOfTheGuitar: yeah, seven grain
WayOfTheGuitar: *bleh*
Ramen ga suki: or a pb and j sandwitch
WayOfTheGuitar: if you can find someone that can eat seven grain bread and NOT shit wheat stalks, I'd love to meet 'em
Ramen ga suki: hahaha, sad
WayOfTheGuitar: lol, I know
WayOfTheGuitar: but that crap is nasty

....Yeah, that's what I've been thinking about. And school is moving briskly towards its end, thankfully. We'll see what happens after that. Nothing much else to report, so until next time, g'dbye!

Peace Out,
Guitar Dude
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