Mar 06, 2010 16:52
I put this up on facebook earlier, but feel need to go "Woohoo" here. The nominees for this year's Washington Blues Society awards are out and:
I'm a nominee for best Electric Guitar
My Band is up for Best New Band (another band that I was involved with, and parted with also got a nod)
The Thursday night jam at the Oxford is up for Best Jam.
The two guys I currently do the Monday and Thursday jams with are also nominated for their instruments.
And the Oxford is up for best blues club.
Congrats to all nominees.
I'll be playing with Mark DuFresne tomorrow afternoon/evening at Bake's Place, Hosting the Madison Ave Pub on Monday, and playing with The CD Woodbury Band at the monthly blues bash at the Red Crane Restaurant in Shoreline on Tuesday.
Three days straight after Wednesday, too: Thursday at the Ox Jam. Friday with Mr. DuFresne at the Third Place Books Stage in Lake Forest Park, and Saturday at the New Orleans in Pioneer Square.