Jan 05, 2006 21:35
Hmm well went to the gym today, and oddly enough, after running 2 1/2 miles...well walk then run then walk etc. i feel pretty damn good. I dunno why but i feel very good infact. maybe thsi weight loss thing will be some what easy, now i jsut need to stop snacking and eating shitty food...that will be the tough part.
i dunno nothing exciting going on.
college is college, no stress from that, i jsut need ot maintain my grades and thats that.
I need ot take the ASVAB soon so they can tell if i'm smart enough to get into the USAF, wouldn't that be embaressing if i flunked that. Plus i'm still waiting to hear back from the flight surgeon about my head and combat readyness.
o well
kind of stuck in a rut....