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Nov 17, 2009 17:50

  • 18:53 New Mario game get! #
  • 19:18 I love 2D #
  • 19:35 @ VoltjanStevens It's not, until some company tries to pretend they have legal rights in this situation that trump yours. Then it's a problem #
  • 19:44 @ VoltjanStevens Certainly no more inconvenient than letting a cop frisk you and check your ID because he doesn't like the way you look. #
  • 19:46 @ VoltjanStevens It's not a matter of convenience, it's a matter of not letting people get away with their bullshit. #
  • 19:47 @ wtftastic That's just not true. I can name at least three big-box retailers that have a policy of checking every single customer's receipt. #
  • 19:47 @ VoltjanStevens Personally, I'm always willing to do it. But that's to be polite, not because they have legal authority to compel me to. #
  • 19:48 @ VoltjanStevens And I am very sympathetic to people who have strong enough principles to make a fuss about it from time to time. #
  • 19:50 @ wtftastic No, not opt-in clubs. Best Buy. CompUSA. Walmart. Normal, non-membership-based retailers. #
  • 19:51 @ VoltjanStevens They can watch me on camera. They can use anti-theft alarm tags. But they cannot legally compel me to show my receipt. #
  • 19:52 @ VoltjanStevens Just like they can't legally search my pockets or detain me by force, not unless they actually catch me doing something bad. #
  • 19:53 @ VoltjanStevens If the people working there are willing to escalate from illegal search to outright kidnapping, that's worth knowing about. #
  • 19:54 @ VoltjanStevens I agree it's not inconvenient. #
  • 19:55 @ VoltjanStevens But I appreciate having one guy out of 10,000 who is willing to prove that they will take it way too seriously. #
  • 19:55 @ VoltjanStevens It's a good check on the system. Both legally and in terms of PR. #
  • 19:57 @ VoltjanStevens If you run, you're doing it wrong. The point is to face them down, and get the law involved if need be. #
  • 19:57 @ VoltjanStevens I would posit that they are, in fact, civil rights champions. And also major dicks. The two are not mutually exclusive. #
  • 20:17 @ wtftastic Walking up to you and saying that you can't leave unless you take something out of your pocket and show it to me. Illegal. #
  • 20:18 @ wtftastic Asking you nicely to show me. Banning you from coming back if you won't show me. These are legal. #
  • 20:19 @ wtftastic But detaining you against your will with no evidence or suspicion is over the line. #
  • 20:33 @ wtftastic And if they do, good on them. If they do not, fuck them with a rusty chainsaw. In the legal sense. #
  • 21:52 @ greenieberry I don't see you grabbing a Luigi and helping me!! #
  • 22:07 @ VoltjanStevens It's so good to hear you say that. It's just what I need to hear right now. #
  • 22:14 @ VoltjanStevens There's one I can see in this castle, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get over there. #
  • 01:53 My life: Moderately drunk on a Monday night, reading articles about financial instruments #
  • 02:26 I keep thinking this is Tuesday. That's just...amazingly wrong. #
  • 16:08 @ Schonste They try to tack on a lot of "value added" services that are pretty shady. Wouldn't recommend it. #
  • 16:25 @ Trinora Can you try getting one through a bank you have an existing account with? My first card was from BoA, since they knew me. #
  • 16:33 @ Trinora Your next best option is to just pick one that'll take a deposit in lieu of credit history. Maybe, you know. #
  • 16:33 Looks like it's official. Moving to New York. #
  • 16:35 Life is crazy, man. #
  • 16:47 @ wildarmsheero Yeah. I know the feeling. #
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