Jul 07, 2009 15:22
Going to the eye doctor always seems to be such an ordeal. Every time I go they give me more and more things to do. Last time it was buy two different kinds of eye drops, take fish oil (a problem because I can't take large pills), don't take allergy medicine in the winter, and don't wear contacts every day (a problem because I don't have prescription sunglasses). So I did most of that aside from the fish oil. I try not to wear my contacts when it's not necessary, etc, etc. Now I have to switch brands of solution to something more moisturizing, see if I can switch birth control without getting batshit insane again (because apparently the one I'm on causes dry eyes), come back after I get back from Baltimore to get a trial pair of a different brand of contacts to see if those work better (stupid astigmatism means they don't have them in stock) and also to see if I can get new glasses, and come back in 6 months to see if winter makes my eyes worse.
Also, driving with dilated pupils isn't exactly easy or fun. Especially when there's not a cloud in the sky. And what's with all the traffic at 3 pm on a Tuesday?
It just seems like a lot of work. I seem to be expensive to maintain. Time to get back to sewing and being lazy. At some point when my eyes are less OMG HUGE I need to get my phone back from Izzy's place because I'm dumb at 3 am and left it on her coffee table after getting my ass kicked by a boss in Persona and dying.
video games,