May 31, 2005 13:33
I fucking hate Georgia's DMV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHH!!! I drive two and a half hours to Bumblefuck, GA aka Dogpatch, USA, aka Millidgeville GA to the DMV there and there were three cars in the parking lot. I go inside in hopes of taking the road test and they said no, because they just go by appts now. I understand the system was developed a couple of years ago, but the one around here still lets you walk in...thing is that you have a zero to nooooo chance of having someone let you take the test, but you sit there in hopes that someone will not show up for the appt. Well, the people there were all laid back on their chairs doing NOTHING!!! and they could not do the the favor of giving me a 15 min road test. I have been driving for 4 fucking years and every time I attempt to get my liscense something comes in the way. On top of all that, I called in to make the glorious appointment, but they don't have any nearby until SEPT-FUCKING-EMBER!!!!! So, I the closest appt that they could give me is in fucking AUGUSTA at the end of June. Fuck me now, so maybe I can have some kind of pleasure in this fucking life.....