
Jun 09, 2004 17:34

Wow, lots of things have been happening. I suck at updating! Usually I'm on here like everynight but lately I just, forget.

Um, still housesitting. It's fun having my own place that I can come and go to as I please, and no one is around to tell me what to do. But it's also a pain in the ass cause of the animals. I'm allergic to cats and these people have two. And then there's the damn dog. She's like way old and has to go outside ALL THE TIME. It would be easier to just keep her outside but there's another dog out back and they dont get along, and I can't very well put Sadie out front and leave her there. So I have to let her out like every hour or so, even in the middle of the night! It's honestly like having a baby that I have to get up and take care of. It blows, and because my sleep is so interrupted all the time, I end up sleeping much later than I'd like to. Plus, if I go anywhere, like home to visit my family or out with friends or whatever, I know I'm gonna have to come back and clean up animal mess. If it weren't for these damn pets, I think this job would be a breeze.
Of course, there is also a lot of cleaning that I have to do. I mean, a LOT. Part of my job description here is having the house clean by the time they get home, and let me tell you, it's not just like the usual tidying and dusting. This place needs WORK. I've been procrastinating, but I really need to get shit done if the house is gonna be clean by the 15th.

My grandma is leaving tomorrow for Finland. She's gonna be gone 3 months. She's crazy and a total bitch sometimes but still I'm sorta sad. I'm gonna miss her. My family is going to Finland also for 3 weeks. Hahaha, sometimes I wish they'd leave for 3 months as well. They wanted me to go along with them, but hello? Three weeks with my family overseas, without the internet, without my friends, without a life? No thanks. SO I guess I'll be doing another sort of housesitting starting June 30th. My mom and I haven't really worked out the details, but I'm hoping she'll leave me a nice chunk of change for the time they are gone.

Anyway, I suppose that will do for an update. My mom is here to pick me up for a bit. Until next time...
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